Antares auto-tune-for tdm and vst Manuel D’Utilisation

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Auto-Tune UserÕs Manual
Automatic Mode Controls
The Retune slider
The Retune slider controls how rapidly the pitch correction is applied to the
incoming sound. The units are milliseconds. A value of zero will cause
instantaneous changes from one tone to another and will completely sup-
press a vibrato (note that any related volume changes will remain). Values
from 10 to 50 are typical for vocals. Larger values let through more vibrato
and other interpretative pitch gestures but also slow down how rapidly
pitch corrections are made.
The Tracking slider
Auto-Tune requires a periodically repeating sound-wave, characteristic of a
voice or solo instrument in order to track the pitch of the input. The Track-
ing slider controls how much variation in the incoming waveform is
allowed. Usually you can set the Tracking slider to 25 and forget it. This
control is useful with difÞcult to track sounds, such as a breathy voice, wind
noise or a ÒJimmy DuranteÓ kind of growling voice. However, tracking is
not guaranteed and a ÒrelaxedÓ setting may introduce distortion and pop-
The Vibrato Section
The Vibrato Section contains one popup and three sliders. The Vibrato
popup allows you to select the shape of the vibratoÕs pitch variation
through time. The choices are: (no vibrato), sine wave, square and saw-
tooth. The Depth slider varies from 0 to 100 cents, controlling the amount of
pitch variation in the vibrato. The Rate slider varies from .1 to 10.0 Hz and
controls the speed of the vibrato. The Delay slider varies from 0 to 3000 mil-
liseconds, controlling the speed of onset of the vibrato. For example, if it is
set to 1000, the Þrst 500 milliseconds of a new tone will contain no vibrato
and the next 500 milliseconds will make a transition from no vibrato to the
full vibrato.
The vibrato is re-started every time the Automatic Mode matches the
incoming pitch to a different scale tone. Also, the vibrato is applied after the
effects of the Retune slider. Hence, even with a slow retune value of 50, a
square wave vibrato will make instantaneous changes in pitch.