Burley CUB Manuel D’Utilisation

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About Burley Design Cooperative
Burley has been supplying products to the bi cy cle in dus try since 1975. Burley prod-
ucts are designed and man u fac tured at our Eu gene, Oregon shop. As worker-own ers 
of our cooperatively owned busi ness, we bring an un com mon degree of personal 
pride and attention to our work. Use our products with confi dence and satisfaction!
Burley Trailer Limited Warranty
Burley will re pair or replace any original equipment parts 
it de ter mines to be defective for the life of the trailer. The 
owner of a Burley trailer must present the trailer for repair at 
an au tho rized Burley deal er, to geth er with an original sales 
re ceipt or similar proof of pur chase. This war ran ty applies only 
to the original owner and is nontransferable. Burley can not be 
re spon si ble for failure due to improper as sem bly, mod i fi  ca tion 
of parts or in struc tions, ne glect, abuse, ac ci dent, and/or 
nor mal wear. The warranty does not cover any trailers used for 
rental, com pe ti tion, or com mer cial use.
Burley neither assumes nor authorizes any per son to assume any other 
liability in connection with Burley trail ers, and there are no oral agree-
 ments or war ran ties col lat er al to or affecting this agreement.
This war ran ty gives you specifi c legal rights and you may also 
have other rights which vary from state to state.
Burley Design Cooperative • 4020 Stewart Rd • Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 687-1644 • Fax (541) 687-0436 • www.burley.com
Copyright © 2004 by Burley Design Cooperative
“Burley” is a registered trademark of Burley Design Cooperative.
rev3: 02/04