Lowrance mapcreate 7 Manuel D’Utilisation

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mand, click the 
 button on the Map Navigation toolbar (it looks like 
a binocular). The Find Menu appears, with a dialog box for the item's 
name, and pull down menus for the major category and minor category 
to search in. 
For nearest searches, MapCreate begins looking from the current cen-
ter of the map. When you select an item from the search results, that 
item will be snapped to the center of the map. When you search for a 
river, the map will be centered at the mouth of the river. 
You can insert an IMS
™ Fishing Hot Spots
 map card in the card 
reader and you can search for several categories of Fishing Hot Spot 
items. However, you must first locate the desired lake and center it in 
the map before searching for specific fishing items. 
When searching for any map item, you often must know the item's "of-
ficial" name to locate it (especially the first part of the name). Here's an 
example search, showing the importance of knowing an official name: 
We'll look for Truman Lake, which is located in Henry County, Mis-
souri. All the locals and regular out-of-state visitors know this man-
made water body as Truman Lake, but that's not the official name 
1. Click the 
 toolbar button. 
2. In the Name box, enter Truman Lake
3. In the Major Category menu, select Water
4. In the Minor Category menu, select Lake/River Names, to narrow 
the search, then click the 
 button on the menu. 
MapCreate displays a list of items, but Truman Lake isn't there! That's 
because the full name is Harry S Truman Reservoir. Instead of "Tru-
man Lake," just try "Harry," "Harry S" or "Harry S Truman," but don't 
use "Harry Truman" without the "S" or you'll miss it. 
A search for "Harry S Truman" produces a list of possible answers in 
the middle list window. Scroll through the list and select Harry S Tru-
man Reservoir (2)
. Next, in the bottom list window, click on a location 
to show it on the map, then click 
 to clear the Find menu. Now sim-
ply zoom in until you see the item you were searching for.
When searching for a section of land, it helps to know the legal descrip-
tion of the land you are looking for. Land descriptions are read from left 
to right, and you must enter your search in the same order. For exam-
ple, to look for the section containing this property: N 1/2 SE 1/4 SW 
1/4, S24, T32N, R18E in Wisconsin, in the Name box you would enter