games-pc dark sun Manuel D’Utilisation

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characters start with some base
amount of experience. These base
experience points are distributed
evenly among all of the classes for
multi-class characters.
Level measures how much a
character has advanced in his or her
class. Whenever characters earn
enough experience points to advance
in level, they gain hit points, combat
ability, and resistance to the effects
of poisons and magical attacks.
Preservers, clerics, druids, and high-
level rangers gain the ability to
memorize a greater number of spells
and to cast new spells.
When your characters gain enough
experience to advance a level, they
advance automatically. Once trained,
the benefits of the new level come
into effect. Level advancement tables
for all the classes begin on page 90.
The ability to hit enemies in melee 
or with missile fire is represented by
THACØ, which stands for “To Hit
Armor Class Ø.” This is the number 
a character must “roll” equal to or
greater than to do damage on a 
target with an AC of Ø. The lower 
the THACØ, the better the chance 
to hit the target.
Note: the generation of a random
number is often referred to as a
“roll.” In determining the success of
an attack, the number generated is
from 1 to 20.
An attack is successful if the random
number is greater than or equal to
the attacker’s THACØ minus the 
target’s AC. THACØ may be modi-
fied by things like range, attacking 
from the rear, magic weapons, and
magic spells.
For example: a fighter with a THACØ
of 5 attacking a monster with an AC
of 3 would need to roll a 2 or greater:
(THACØ 5) - (AC 3) = 2+. To hit a
monster with an AC of -2, however,
he would need to roll a 7 or greater:
(THACØ 5) - (AC -2) = 7+.
Neutral Evil
A character of this alignment insists
on his or her fair share, and is
against giving water to the very weak.
He or she considers plans for
unequal water distribution if he or
she personally benefits.
Chaotic Good
A chaotic good character insists that
everyone get an even share of the
available water, even the very weak.
He or she considers plans calling for
unequal water distribution if he or she
and those he or she likes personally
get more water as part of the plan.
Chaotic Neutral
Such a character insists on his or her
fair share, and won’t concern him or
herself with the plight of those too
weak to stand up for themselves. He
or she considers plans calling for
unequal water distribution if he or
she personally gets more water as
part of the plan.
Chaotic Evil
A chaotic evil character freely lies,
cheats, or even kills to get all the
water he or she can. He or she
constantly suggests plans for unequal
water distribution that grant him or
her additional water immediately.
Armor Class
Armor Class (AC) measures how
difficult someone is to hit and
damage; the lower the Armor Class
value, the harder they are to hit. Low
Armor Class values can indicate
different things. A character might be
difficult to hit because he or she is
outfitted with magical armor, while a
monster might have the same AC
because it is small and fast. Armor
Class changes when characters find
and use new armor or shields. High
Dexterity improves a character’s AC.
Hit Points
Hit points measure how difficult a
character or opponent is to incapac-
itate or kill; higher values are better.
Every time an attack gets past armor
and defenses, it does damage that 
is subtracted from the target’s hit
points. If the hit points reach Ø, the
character falls unconscious. If the 
hit points reach -10 or less, the
character dies.
Experience Points
Experience points measure how
much a character has accomplished.
Your characters earn experience
points for killing monsters, finding
treasure, and completing parts of the
adventure. Having prime requisite
scores of 16 or more increases
experience earned by 10 percent.
Characters increase in level as they
earn more experience points. All