games-pc empire earth Manuel D’Utilisation

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What is Empire Earth?
Empire Earth is a real-time strategy game of epic scope.  You control the destiny of a
fledgling civilisation through as many as 500,000 years of human history.  From meagre
beginnings you must exploit the natural resources around you to build an empire capable of
dominating the Earth.  But your rise to supremacy will not go unchallenged.  As was the
case throughout history, rival civilisations are certain to oppose you every step of the way.  If
you plan wisely and execute your strategies well, you just might lead your civilisation to
The Emergence of Empires
A half-million years ago – before the dawn of civilisation, when our ancestors first gathered
around their primitive fire pits – humankind took its first tentative steps down a path towards
dominating the Earth.  We began to surpass all the other animals, to become the planet’s pre-
eminent species, thanks largely to our intelligence and adaptability.  Since that time, the only
major rival with which people have had to contend is other people.
These rivalries undoubtedly date back to the earliest nomadic tribes – indeed, struggles for
territory and resources remain common to this day.  All the great civilisations of recorded
history have had their share of great rivals: the Greeks had the Persians, the Romans had the
Carthaginians, the English had the French, and so on.  Often, individuals arose who were
instrumental in guiding their civilisation and people to prominence.  Legendary leaders such
as Alexander the Great and Napoleon expanded their empires rapidly, dominating local and
foreign populations with their charisma, diplomatic guile, and military strength.  Such
conquerors became heroes to many… and villains to many others.
Conquest, however, is not the only thing for which prominent civilisations and cultures are
remembered.  The Great Pyramids in Egypt, though nearly 5,000 years old, still fill visitors
Depiction of the Battle of Formigny, April 15, 1450  ©Archive Photos