games-pc empire earth Manuel D’Utilisation

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Of all human practices, Religion ranks as one of the most consequential.  Convictions of faith
are powerful personal motivators.  On an interpersonal level, strong bonds often form among
people who share a religious heritage, while differences can lead to animosity and even
bloodshed.  In most religions, believers look to holy people and holy places for inspiration,
seeing in them a tangible link between the natural and the supernatural.
The importance of spiritual leaders to both past and present civilisations cannot be overem-
phasised.  People have traditionally seen them as intermediaries between the Earth and the
heavens, between humanity and the spiritual realm.  In some cultures, it was normal to
assume that such holy men and women had special powers and abilities.
But one civilisation's gospel was sometimes another’s heresy.
Spreading religious ideas to outsiders was a potentially danger-
ous activity.  Early Christians in the Roman Empire were sporad-
ically persecuted for their “mysterious” beliefs and practices.  In
the late 1st Century AD, Christianity was even made a capital crime –
confessed Christians who did not renounce their faith in favor of the
accepted Roman gods were put to death.
The spiritual leaders of Empire Earth are Priests.  They have the ability to
convert enemies to their faith.  But Priests must take care when traveling
abroad, for those who do not share their faith will not greet them with
open arms.
It has been the duty of missionaries and other religious figures to preach their faith to unbe-
lievers in an effort to help them see the light.  At times, their words would touch those who
listened and a life-changing revelation would take place.  Embracing their new faith, converts
would begin life anew.
TIP: You can improve your Priests and your Prophets by researching various 
religious advances at a Temple.