games-pc empire earth Manuel D’Utilisation

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Empire Earth
Target: Land or water
Effect: Creates a volcano that shoots damaging fireballs
Many people have lived in the shadow of a volcano, but generations
can come and go between eruptions.  After a long period of dormancy,
the 79 AD eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in Italy buried the towns of
Pompeii, Stabiae, Herculaneum, and others.  Excavations indicate that
the people who lived there were taken entirely by surprise.
Occasionally, new volcanoes rise up from the earth.  The Hawaiian Islands were formed in
this manner.
Target: Land units, except Cybers
Effect: Slowly kills infected units, and can spread
The plague is a nasty bacterial infection that is highly contagious and
typically fatal.  The most devastating outbreak of plague in history was
the Black Death, which ravaged Europe in the mid-14th Century.  The
Black Death wiped out whole villages, killing by some estimations one
out of every four persons in Europe at the time or about 25 million
Invoking Calamities
Some religious traditions have attempted to sway the spirits or gods through offerings, sacri-
fices, holy invocations, or other rituals.  The Greeks and early Romans used animal sacrifices
and prayers to maintain – and even coerce – the favour of the gods.  Curses, too, were
requested, usually by way of an inscribed stone left at a holy site.  In Egypt, depictions of rain
dances have been found in tombs that date back as far as the 3rd Millennium BC.
Your civilisation's Prophets – by virtue of their strong links to the supernatural world – can
curry the favour of their gods to invoke any of the Calamities listed earlier.  Invoking a
Calamity requires time, intense concentration, and the power of faith.  Once a Prophet has
amassed enough power, he need only decide on a Calamity and then select a target for his
god’s wrath.  When the calamity strikes, friends and enemies alike will be affected (unless
protected by a Temple), so Prophets should take care when deciding on a target.
TIP: You have the ability to move a Hurricane wherever you want (except 
over land).  Move them over fleets of enemy ships for maximum destruction.