games-pc empire earth Manuel D’Utilisation

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Empire Earth
The ability to lead – not just to command, but to motivate – is a Hero’s greatest weapon.
Troops under the leadership of a Hero are able to fight beyond their normal limits of
endurance, so they last longer in combat than they would otherwise.  Thus, an army with a
Hero leading them into battle holds an advantage over an identical army without a Hero.
In Empire Earth, Warrior Heroes and Strategist Heroes lead in different ways.  Warrior Heroes
are strong and brave, often leading their troops by example.  Their style of leadership pro-
duces high morale in the area immediately surrounding them, so they are most effective on
the front lines.  Morale gives troops more stamina, so they are harder for enemies to kill.
Strategist Heroes can inspire their troops from a greater distance, and do best when avoiding
personal combat.  Their style of leadership promotes self-confidence.  In effect, these Heroes
restore the vitality of their troops, thus giving them more staying power in a battle.  They can
also demoralise an enemy with their Battle Cry.  Upon hearing a heroic Battle Cry, disheart-
ened enemies lose their will to fight and are therefore easier to kill.
NOTE: Heroes can influence only land forces (except for Cybers, who are 
affected by a Battle Cry but no other heroic abilities).  Morale is not an addi-
tive effect, so troops within range of two Warrior Heroes, or a Warrior and a Town
Centre or Capital, receive morale from one source, not both.  Likewise, the restora-
tive effect of a Strategist and the healing of a Hospital are not additive, though
Hospitals can restore full health.
Copper Age (3)
Sargon of Akkad
Bronze Age (4)
Alexander the Great
Dark Age (5)
Julius Caesar
Middle Ages (6)
Richard the Lionheart
William the Conqueror
Renaissance (7)
Henry V
Imperial Age (8)
Oliver Cromwell
Elizabeth I
Industrial Age (9)
Otto von Bismarck
Atomic Age – WWI (10)
Manfred von Richthofen
Givan DeVerran
Atomic Age – WWII (11)
Travis Shackelford
Erwin Rommel
Atomic Age – Modern (12)
Dennis St. Albans
RW Bresden
Information Age (13)
Sergei Molotov
Alexi Septimus
Nano Age (14)
Molotov (Cyborg)
Molly Ryan