games-pc empire earth Manuel D’Utilisation

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Empire Earth
Taking the Offensive
Having already trained a band of Clubmen, you have the option of using them to attack your
enemies.  Of course, before you can launch an offensive, you must locate your opponent’s
civilisation.  Earlier, you sent your Citizens to explore the region immediately around your
Capital.  Now it is time to scout out the map further and find enemy towns.  Select your
Capital and train a Canine Scout.  When the scout is ready, send it to the opposite side of the
map to look for your computer-controlled enemy.
When you find your rival’s town, send in your Clubmen.  Attack enemy Citizens to slow your
opponent’s economic growth.  Destroy houses to diminish the defenders’ morale.  Do whatev-
er damage you can do, but be alert; a raiding party may already be on its way to your unde-
fended village!
Advancing to the Next Epoch
While it is possible to defeat your opponents in the Prehistoric Age (or
any other Epoch), you may find it beneficial to move your civilisation
into the next Epoch of history, the Stone Age.  The Stone Age is a more-
advanced time period that will offer your growing civilisation new
opportunities for development.  Once you have collected the requisite resources and
constructed at least two buildings (excepting Houses, walls, Towers, and Granaries),
you will be ready to research the advancement. 
To attack an enemy Citizen or House, select one or more Clubmen and then right-
click on the Citizen or House.  Your Clubmen will march to the target and attack.
If they manage to destroy the target, they will automatically look for a new target in
their immediate area.  You can intervene at any time by selecting them and giving
them new orders.
TIP: The Mini-map, in the lower right of the screen, gives you a top-down 
view of the entire map, including any visible units, trees, resources, water, etc.
Only areas that you have explored are visible.  Areas you have not explored appear
black, just like on the Main Map.  You can use the Mini-map to send units a long
distance.  Select your Scout and then right-click on the Mini-map to send the Scout
there.  Select a place you have not yet explored in order to scout out more of the