games-pc empire earth Manuel D’Utilisation

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Expanding your society
Humans have been using stone since the invention of the first stone tools well over a million
years ago.  Since then, its primary use has been in construction – many of the worlds great
historic buildings have been made of stone.  Walls and fortifications, too, made extensive use
of stone.  Hadrian’s Wall defined the northernmost border of the Roman Empire, separating
their civilisation from the so-called barbarians who lived beyond.  After Hadrian’s Wall was
abandoned by the Romans, when they left Britain in the 5th Century AD, locals routinely
plundered it for stone to use in their own construction projects.
Gold’s beauty, malleability, and comparative scarcity have combined to make it one of the
most desired substances in history.  Early in human history, gold was used almost exclusively
for ornamental and decorative purposes.  But Greece, Rome, Byzantine, and other civilisa-
tions used gold (among other metals) for coinage.  It has even served as a means of interna-
tional barter and for backing national currencies in more modern eras.
Civilisations have valued a number of metals over the course of history, but none has enjoyed
broader use than iron.  Iron has been fashioned into tools, cast into weapons and armour, and
used in machinery.  Iron is mined from the ground as ore.  The ore is then processed to sepa-
rate out the iron from the unwanted material.  One of iron’s major uses today is in the pro-
duction of steel, which is made by alloying iron with carbon (at a ratio of up to 2% carbon).
Due to the abundance of iron, relatively low cost of production, and desirable mechanical
properties, steel became by the 20th Century one of the most widely used materials in con-
struction and manufacturing.