games-pc majesty Manuel D’Utilisation

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The Tax Route gives you complete control over which buildings the Tax Collector travels to
visit. This allows you to fine tune your collectors’ routes. If your buildings are widely spread,
collecting money from every one could take your Tax Collector a long time. If you take the less
income-productive buildings off his route, it can significantly speed up tax collection. Use the
Tax Route toggle in the Control window of each building to put it on or off the route. Stay
alert, because whenever a new building is created, it defaults to being on the route. When a
building is off the Tax Route, it might eventually build up a nice amount of gold. You can have
taxes collected on demand using the Tax Once button.
More Tax Collectors is a dependable way to speed up tax collection. You start the quest with
one, and you can gain additional Tax Collectors by upgrading your Palace. The base number of
Tax Collectors you employ is the same as the level of your Palace, up to three. You can
supplement this base number by constructing certain buildings; for every five Fairgrounds,
Blacksmiths, Royal Gardens, and Marketplaces you build, there is a chance that a Fountain will
spontaneously appear in your city. Each Fountain provides an extra Tax Collector.
Guard Houses have a passive but significant impact on tax collection. Your Tax Collectors can
drop off their gold at these outposts, rather than making the long trek back to the Palace
every trip. This generally results in your treasury getting a boost more frequently.
When you have a Rogues Guild in your kingdom, you have the option of collecting taxes in a hurry
through Extortion. Click the Extort button in the Rogues Guild Control window, and the Rogues
pressure your entire populace into handing over their taxes immediately. All taxes are collected
and delivered to your treasury, but there’s a catch—the Rogues keep a sizeable percentage of the
take for themselves. A higher level Rogues Guild takes out a smaller percentage of the taxes, but
the cost makes this collection technique perhaps better kept in reserve as an emergency measure.
A dependable way to make sure your settlement is creating a strong cash flow is to build one
or more Marketplaces. Unlike most buildings, a Marketplace generates a large amount of gold,
which is then gathered by your Tax Collectors on their rounds. You might wish to build multiple
Marketplaces, to make sure you’re generating solid revenue. However, more Marketplaces also
lengthen your Tax Route, so you should strive for a balance. Note that Marketplaces must be
built a certain minimum distance from both each other and from any Trading Posts.
Upgrading your Marketplaces is also very important. The higher level markets bring in greater
amounts of gold from regular business and from Caravans, as well as having increased hit
points. This last is important, as you don’t want such vital revenue generators to be easy
targets for monsters.