games-pc pirates! gold-the capitan s broadsheet Manuel D’Utilisation

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Spanish Colonies
Havana, Panama, Cartagena, and Santiago are still important
cities, despite the raids and misfortunes of the last century.
Caracas has risen to prominence as the main harbor serving
inland Terra Firma (South America), while Santo Domingo and
San Juan have slipped to a second rank, isolated among the
growing French and English island wealth.
English Colonies
Port Royale, Barbados, and St. Kitts are the great English ports,
with the other English Caribbee ports are sound and healthy
trading posts. The Bahamas are the new colonial frontier.
Nassau, for example, is a wide-open pirate haven. A small
English colony has even sprung up at Belize in Honduras!
French Colonies
The French colonial empire has not changed its shape greatly
in two decades. Guadeloupe and Martinique remain the twin
economic capitals, now equal to the largest English ports.
Tortuga is declining, but the Hispaniolan towns of Port-de-Paix,
Petit Goave, and Leogane are all thriving.
Dutch Colonies
As with France, the shape of the Dutch dominions also is
constant: Curacao is the great free port, St. Eustatius is recover-
ing from wartime disasters and trying to live on trade with the
recalcitrant English nearby. St. Martin, the northerly satellite,
continues to quietly expand its plantation economy.
Prospects in this era appear as good as the 1660s and 1670s.
However, pirate-hunting warships appear more frequently, while
the non-Spanish ports are larger and better fortified. Indeed, the
fairly equal distribution of strong and weak ports throughout the
Caribbean means that prospects for trading are the best in fifty
years. If you do pursue a bellicose path, take advantage of pirate
amnesties when offered, so you are prepared for a sudden out-
break of peace.
The English Pirate
Well, mate, ye always wanted a life of piracy. Try it on for size
now! Novices are encouraged to try a voyage or two in the
1660s first, to get the feel of privateering, before embarking on a
career of high seas crime. Beware the navy pirate hunters!
The French Buccaneer
Privateering commissions are legally available still. Take
advantage of them to raid the Spanish. Of course, it pays to
beware of the Costa Guarda pirate hunters.
The Dutch Adventurer
As a peace-loving free-trade Dutchman, you should think long on
the advantages of trading and smuggling. Dutch ports are few, and
although England and France have laws prohibiting trade with you,
in reality the laws are ignored. Even the Spanish can be coaxed into
trading more often than not. Of course, some of your compatriots
made their reputation by sailing as privateers for France. In fact,
two admirals of the French privateers in 1685 are Dutchmen!
The Spanish Costa Guarda
Now that the English and French colonies are as rich as the
Spanish, it’s only appropriate that they taste some of their
own medicine! The only difficulty is evading those French,
English and Dutch warships that so inconveniently clutter up
the seascape.