games-pc serf city Manuel D’Utilisation

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Evenly distribute the warehouses to avoid
all this. The warehouse offers practically
all the same benefits as your castle:
❖ When you receive new serfs, they
are divided up between the castle
and the warehouse.
❖ Excess merchandise was brought
to the castle up until now. It is
now taken to the nearest ware-
house, thereby cutting down on
return trips.
❖ Merchandise (on a construction
site for example) is ordered from
the nearest warehouse having the
required materials, so the distance
to the site is reduced.
❖ A worker no longer returns to the
castle after his work is finished
but goes to the nearest warehouse
and waits for his next job. The trip
for your workers to their work
sites is reduced.
❖ If a building requires the presence
of a new worker, he is hired from
the nearest warehouse, so his trip
is shorter.
These various points demonstrate that
an even distribution of warehouses is
essential. As soon as your warehouse is
built, you receive a message.
The Training Games
Supply the blacksmith with coal and
iron. He forges swords and shields that
your knights need to guard your castle
and attack the enemy. The weapons are
delivered to the castle where each new
knight can take what he needs.
Supply the tool maker with wood and
iron to make nine different tools: ham-
mer, saw, hatchet, shovel, scythe, pick,
fishing pole, pliers, and butcher’s knife.
These tools are delivered to the castle
and used by the workers. Depending
on their professions, they need different
tools. Some workers (for example, the
baker) don’t use any tools, but most
jobs require at least one tool while oth-
ers need two:
❖ leveler – shovel
❖ fisherman – fishing pole
❖ butcher – butcher’s knife
❖ farmer – scythe
❖ lumberjack – axe
❖ sawmill worker – saw
❖ miner – pick
❖ quarryman – pick
❖ construction worker – hammer
❖ ship maker – hammer
❖ geologist – hammer
❖ tool maker – hammer and saw
❖ blacksmith – hammer and pliers
You may wonder why you must make
the tools when the workers automati-
cally leave the castle with their tools
in hand. It is because at the beginning
of the game, you had a certain supply
of construction materials, food, and
tools. For the early training games you
had a large stock to start off with and
therefore did not have to fabricate
tools or merchandise. 
The warehouse is
used to store mer-
chandise. It is also a
place where serfs
wait for new work (as
at the castle). This is why the ware-
house is, with the castle, one of the
most important buildings. In a relatively
large city, the castle quickly reaches its
capacity without an additional ware-
house. As soon as the warehouse is
built, a serf leaves the castle and goes to
the warehouse. You thereby have a sort
of “second castle.” The expansion of
your city can be difficult to control if
you only have a castle. The workers
take too much time to go from the cas-
tle to the construction site, or they
produce so much merchandise that it
will start to pile up on the road to the
castle and the transporters can no
longer do their job. 
The Training Games