games-pc serf city Manuel D’Utilisation

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the flag in front of your castle. Left-click
on one of the two flags. Select the con-
struction icon in the lower left of the
menu. The pointer contains two new
symbols. You are now in “road con-
struction” mode.
The different symbols around the point-
er have the following significance:
❖ Zone hatched in red and yellow:
you cannot construct roads in 
this direction.
❖ Different slope symbols that range
from red (very steep ascents and
descents) to yellow (moderately
steep ascents and descents) to
green (flat): you can construct
roads in this direction.
❖ UNDO symbol: if you left-click
on this icon, you destroy the last
part of the road made.
If you left-click on one of the slope
icons, a section of new road appears
and the pointer contains new symbols
for building the next section of road.
Repeat this operation until the road
meets the other flag. The star in the
lower left disappears and the pointer
takes its initial form. The road is con-
structed and you quit the construction
mode. The first serfs begin to leave
your castle. 
The color of the slope icons indicates
the slope of the road. Red indicates a
steep slope, yellow a moderate slope,
and green means flat or almost no
slope. The flatter the terrain, the faster
the merchandise can be distributed.
This is because the serfs tire quickly on
steep slopes.
If you construct a road and then
decide that you no longer want it, left-
click on the highlighted icon. You quit
the “road construction” mode and the
road is erased.
If you want to branch off from an
already existing road, you must place a
flag on the road. Left-click on the
desired area. If it is possible to place a
flag there, a flag appears on the pointer.
If you can’t place a flag there, use the
“construction help” function. It may be
impossible to put a flag down on a road
because the road is too short or a tree is
in the way. If you can create a new
intersection, you see the “place flag”
icon in the menu. Left-click on this icon
to construct the new intersection.
You can also construct water ways. Two
flags must be on the banks of a lake for
a water way to be built. Construct a
water way between the two flags in 
the same way you construct a road.
Remember to connect this water way
with your network of roads. The water
way is used for transporting merchan-
dise. Only transporter serfs with boats
can use waterways. 
On the Right Path
How do you decide which type of
building can be built and where it can
be placed?
First, all buildings must be built on your
land and there must not be any trees or
boulders obstructing the area. All hous-
es, huts, and guard buildings must be
built on a green surface and mines built
in the mountains (but not in the snow).
The type of building that can be con-
structed depends on the slope of the
terrain. For large buildings, the ground
must be level; their construction is
impossible on steep slopes. If you are
looking for an area that is appropriate
for a large building, the “construction
help” option helps you avoid clicking
all around the screen to find a good
location. Special-click on the left menu
icon. You immediately see the areas
where you can construct a building on
the screen. Choose an area and special-
click again on the left menu icon to
deactivate the construction help.
The left menu icon changes to reflect
the type of item that can be constructed
in the selected map area. For the most
part, the icons represent the following
functions: “place a flag,” “construct a
hut,” or “construct a large building.”
When you left-click on these options,
the icon is highlighted along with a new
window with a choice of buildings. In
some cases, not all available buildings
can be displayed at once in the menu,
so you can scroll through them by click-
ing on the “change page” icon. Choose
one of them and left-click on it to give
the order to construct. The window dis-
appears and you see the first stone of the
construction or a cross on the screen.
The first stone means that a house will
be built in this place. The cross means
the same except that the ground must
first be leveled to provide a solid foun-
dation for the large building.
If you decide not to construct a building
on the chosen area, left-click on the
highlighted icon and quit the construc-
tion mode. Your new building must
connect with your current network 
of roads before it receives supplies for 
its construction.
Constructing Roads
The serfs need roads so that they can
access the different areas of the king-
dom. These roads always run from one
flag to another. Your network of roads is
very important. A good network ensures
the rapid transfer of goods. The flags
serve as intersections. Six roads can
begin at each flag to lead to other flags.
There is a flag in front of each one of
your buildings, as well.
You must connect all your newly creat-
ed construction sites to your main
castle via roadways. You see a flag in
front of the construction site, just like 
On the Right Path