games-pc the settlers ii-10th anniversary Manuel D’Utilisation

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ings, or supplies other buildings with the goods they need. 
Closely connected with this is the exploration of territories outside the borders of 
your settlement. These areas are blacked out to begin with, but they can be made 
permanently visible by sending out a scout to explore them. To improve the scout’s 
effectiveness, you can build a lookout tower near a border. This significantly extends 
the scout’s range, as he can see much further, even over hills and water. 
Roads  are  automatically  improved  in  the  course  of  the  game  when  the  volume  of 
transported goods reaches a certain level. Using pack donkeys increases the transport 
As your settlement grows, you should build storehouses to reduce traffic congestion 
and keep transport routes short. 
Finding and exploiting mineral resources plays an important role in the world of the 
The geologist can help here. If he discovers a mineral resource, a corresponding mine 
can be erected on the location of his find which then yields the mineral resource. 
There are four mineral resources: Coal, iron ore, gold und stone:
•  The gold mine serves military purposes, because only with the help of gold coins 
from the mint can soldiers be promoted to higher ranks.
•  The iron smelting works extracts iron from the ore from the iron mine, which 
in turn is used to make shields and swords in the smithy, and tools in the metal-
•  Coal mined in the coal mine is the most important mineral resource, as it is 
needed as a second resource at the mint to produce gold, in the iron smelting 
works to extract iron from ore, and in the smithy and the metalworks to forge 
iron. In other words, without coal no gold coins, weapons or tools can be pro-
•  The stone mine yields stone from underground deposits, which is then used to 
construct buildings and as ammunition for the catapult.
The geologist also reports on water found underground. In this case, a well can be 
built near the place where it is found.
Tools production
Tools form the backbone of every settlement, because without them hands cannot 
become skilled workers who work in buildings. 
At the beginning of the game, a certain number of skilled workers and tools are 
already in the headquarters. However, these will be used up quite quickly if you 
expand your settlement and erect buildings. It is important, therefore, to lay the 
foundations for tool production at an early stage of the game.
You cannot get your tool production going just like that, though, because 
– as in most areas of a settlement – certain conditions must be met first. 
You need raw materials for production (planks and iron) and several production build-
•  Planks are made by the carpenter from the logs supplied to him by the woodcut-
ter, so the first things you need to produce tools are a woodcutter’s hut and a 
•  Iron is unfortunately not quite so easy to come by. It can only be produced by the 
iron smelter who needs coal and iron ore for his work, so in order to make tools 
you need an iron smelting works, an iron mine and a coal mine – quite apart 
from the mineral resources, which have to be found and mined first, of course.
•  Once you have all of these things, you can build a metalworks (as near as possible 
to the iron smelting works and the sawmill) and start producing tools.
The menu “Global Economy Settings” allows you to define what types of tools are 
Food supply chain
For most Settlers, the food supply chain is if no importance. Miners, however, need 
food in order to keep their strength up in their strenuous job. 
Three foodstuffs form the basic diet of the mine workers: Fish, bread and ham. The 
more varied the diet of the miners, the better they will work. Ideally, they should be 
supplied with all three foodstuffs.
•  The fish supply is the least problematic. The fisherman catches fish and supplies 
them to the miners without further processing. 
•  Making bread is a little more complicated. The baker needs water and flour to 
bake bread. He gets water from the well, and flour from the mill. To ground grain 
to flour, the mill is dependent on the supply of grain, which is grown on the farm
•  Ham is provided by two suppliers: The hunter cures game that he has brought 
down to make ham and can therefore, like the fisherman, supply his product 
directly without any subsequent processing. The butcher needs pigs to produce 
ham, which must be bred on a pig farm. A pig farm needs grain and water for its 
operation, so it can only make produce if you have a farm and a well.
There are two more products in the food supply chain which do not serve as food-
stuffs for the miners, but do require resources produced in this cycle:
•  The donkey farm breeds pack donkeys, which double the transport capacity of the 
roads in the Settler’s empire. Like the pig farm, the donkey farm needs grain and 
water to operate.
•  The brewery uses grain and water to brew beer which, besides shields and 
swords, forms the basic equipment of soldiers.