MartinLogan Motion® Vision X Manuel Du Propriétaire

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SUB [subwoofer, select subwoofer configuration]
–› *
NO.SUB [no sub, select when not using a subwoofer]
–›   WIRED [wired, select when attaching a subwoofer via a cable]
–›   WIRELS [wireless, configure when using a wireless subwoofer]
–› SYNC [sync, select to begin syncing wireless subwoofer]
–› TRN.OFF [turn off, select to deactivate wireless transmitter]
BASS.LV [bass level, adjust bass level]
–›   +10 [increases bass output by 10dB]
–›  +8 [increases bass output by 8dB]
–›  +6 [increases bass output by 6dB]
–›  +4 [increases bass output by 4dB]
–›  +2 [increases bass output by 2dB]
–›  *
0 [normal bass level]
–›  –2 [decreases bass output by 2dB]
–›  –4 [decreases bass output by 4dB]
–›  –6 [decreases bass output by 6dB]
–›  –8 [decreases bass output by 8dB]
–›   –10 [decreases bass output by 10dB]
INSTAL [install, select installation location]
–› *
ON.SHLF [on-shelf, select when set on a flat surface]
–›   ON.WALL  [on-wall, select when mounted to a wall]
SURRND [surround, configure surround options for 5.1-channel sources]
+6dB [on: +6dB, increases level of simulated surrounds]
–› *0dB  [on: 0dB, use simulated surrounds]
–›   OFF [off, turns off simulated surrounds]
STEREO [stereo, configure options for 2-channel stereo sources]
–›  WIDE [wide, creates a wider stereo image]
–› *
VOICE+ [voice plus, simulates a center channel for stereo sources]
–›   NORMAL  [normal, use original stereo signal]
MODES [modes, select EQ listening mode]
BASS+ [bass plus mode, sets EQ mode for enhanced bass]
–› *NORMAL  [normal mode, returns EQ to normal levels]
–›   NIGHT  [night mode, sets EQ mode for night listening]
DISPLY [display, select display mode]
BRIGHT [bright, use full display brightness at all times]
–›   DIM  [dim, use dimmed display at all times]
–› *AUTO.BR  [auto bright, display turns off automatically]
–›   AUTO.DM  [auto dim, display turns off automatically]
POWER [power, configure power on/off behavior]
–› *
AUTO [auto, soundbar turns itself off and on as needed]
–›   FULL.ON  [full on, the soundbar is always powered on]
LEARN [learn remote codes for second remote control]
–›   VOL+ [volume up, program to respond to second remote]
–›   VOL– [volume down, program to respond to second remote]
–›   MUTE [mute, program to respond to second remote]
–›   NX.INPT [next input, program to respond to second remote]
–›   PR.INPT [previous input, program to respond to second remote]
–›   UP [up, program to respond to second remote]
–›   DOWN [down, program to respond to second remote]
–›   LEFT [left, program to respond to second remote]
–›   RIGHT [right, program to respond to second remote]
–›   ENTER [enter, program to respond to second remote]
–›   NITE.MD [night mode, program to respond to second remote]
–›   NRML.MD [normal mode, program to respond to second remote]
–›   BASS.MD [bass+ , program to respond to second remote]
–›   PWR.TGL [power toggle, program to respond to second remote]
–›   PWR.ON [power on, program to respond to second remote]
–›   PWR.OFF [power off, program to respond to second remote]
–›   MENU [menu, program menu to respond to second remote]
–›   OPTIC [optical input, program input to respond to second remote]
–›   COAX [coaxial input, program input to respond to second remote]
–›  ANALOG [analog input, program input to respond to second remote]
–›   PLAYFI [Play-Fi , program input to respond to second remote]
–›   ERASE [erase, clear programmed codes for second remote control]
–› CONFRM [confirm factory defaults, choose YES or NO]
SRC.NAM [source name, assign new names to inputs]
–›   OPTIC  [digital optical, assign a new name for this input]
–›   COAX  [digital coaxial, assign a new name for this input]
–›   ANALOG  [analog, assign a new name for this input]
SERVCE [service, advanced controls]
–›  FRMWRE [firmware, display firmware version]
–›   RESET [reset soundbar to original factory settings]
–› AT.HOME [at home, factory defaults for home use]
–› CONFRM [confirm factory defaults, choose YES or NO]
–› STORE [store, factory defaults for in-store use]
–› CONFRM [confirm factory defaults, choose YES or NO]
*AT.HOME: Factory default setting, home use.
STORE: Factory default setting, in-store use.
** Some menu options may vary depending on manufacturing date.