Technologies Humanware Inc. APBT320 Manuel D’Utilisation

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BrailleNote Apex QT User Guide 
If you know a particular number occurs more than once, you do not have to enter it multiple 
times because you can tell KeyPlus in one entry what the number is and how often it occurs. The 
number of times a number occurs is called the frequency of the number. To enter a number and 
its frequency, type the number, the frequency command, and then the number of times it occurs. 
For example, to input "5", ten times, type "5", the frequency command, "10" and press ENTER
KeyPlus displays: 
"five frequency ten", and then pauses before "N is 12", followed by 
"5; 10 N is 12" is displayed. This shows that the number 5 has been added ten times to the data 
set, which now contains 12 values.  
A value followed by its frequency is called a data item. The frequency command is apostrophe. 
4.  Pasting numbers from the clipboard: 
You can paste either a single number from the clipboard or a set of numbers.  
A single number can be pasted into the calculator using the standard paste command, 
CONTROL with V. If any invalid characters are included, KeyPlus will display: 
"Value is out of range." Invalid data items include alphanumerical words, such as ninety-one; 
spaces; and mathematical operations. 
To paste in a set of numbers use the "Paste clipboard into data set" option in the Data Set Menu. 
The numbers must be separated by commas. For example, if you are reading a worksheet or text 
book that instructs you to "Calculate the mean of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5", copy just 
the numbers, commas, and spaces, to the clipboard, switch to the calculator, enter the Data Set 
Menu, and select the "paste clipboard into data set" option. If any invalid characters are 
included, KeyPlus will display: 
"Discarded invalid data items. N is xx."