Graupner GmbH & Co. KG MC-20 Manuel D’Utilisation

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128 Detail program description - Channel 1 curve | Winged models
  Channel 1 curve
Control characteristics for throttle/spoiler joystick
Using the selection keys of the left or right touch pad, 
scroll to the »Channel 1 curve« menu option in the 
Multi-function menu: 
Model select
Ser vo adjustmen
Stick mode
Control adjust
Dual Rate / Expo
Channel 1 cur ve
Switch display
Copy / Erase
Suppress codes 
Suppress models 
Base setup mode
Model type
Open this menu option with a tap on the center 
key of the right touch pad.
Channel 1  C U R V E
O U 
T P U 
Since the carburetor response or the effect of the 
airbrakes or spoilers is often non-linear, you can make 
compensatory adjustments to these in this menu. 
The menu therefore enables you to change the 
control characteristics of the throttle / airbrake 
, regardless of whether this control function 
affects the servo connected to control channel 1 
directly or affects multiple servos via various mixers.
If fl ight phases have been specifi ed in the »Phase
« and »Phase assignment« menus (see 
pages 142 and 148) this option can be adapted on 
a fl ight-phase basis. The given fl ight phase name, 
e.g. «normal», will be shown at the bottom left of 
the screen.
The control curve can be defi ned by up to 8 points 
(termed "reference points" below) placed anywhere 
along the path of joystick travel. While the on-screen 
graph considerably simplifi es the process of setting 
and adjusting the reference points, we recommend 
that you set fewer reference points to begin with.
In the basic software set-up, 2 reference 
points – namely the end-points at the bottom end 
of joystick travel ("L", low = -100 % travel) and 
the top end of joystick travel ("H", high = +100 % 
travel) – defi ne a linear characteristic curve.
First, switch to your chosen fl ight phase, if necessary.
 Setting reference points
By moving the transmitter control (throttle/airbrake 
joystick), you can reposition the vertical line in the 
graph between the two end-points "L" and "H". The 
current joystick position is also displayed in numerical 
form on the "Input" line (-100 % to +100 %). The point 
at which this line crosses the curve is termed the 
"Output", and can be varied at the reference points 
within the range -125 % to +125 %. The control signal 
altered in this way will then affect all subsequent 
mixer and coupling functions. 
In the example above, the joystick is at 0 % of control 
travel and also generates an output signal of 0 %, 
since the characteristic curve is linear.
Up to 6 additional reference points can be set 
between the two end-points "L" and "H", although the 
distance between neighboring reference points must 
not be less than approx. 25 %.
Move the joystick. If a question mark can be seen in 
the "Point" frame, then the next reference point can be 
set with a tap on the center 
 key of the right touch 
pad. Simultaneously, the "?" is replaced by a number 
and the value fi eld to the right of the reference point 
number will be shown in inverse video.
Channel 1   C U R V E
O U 
T P U 
The order in which you generate the (maximum) 6 
reference points between the end-points "L" and 
"H" is irrelevant, since the reference points are 
continuously renumbered automatically from left to 
right as they are entered.
 Erasing reference points
To delete one of the reference points (1 to max. 6), 
use the joystick to move the vertical line into the 
vicinity of the reference point in question. As soon 
as the reference point number and its corresponding 
value on the "Point" line are displayed in inverse 
video, see fi gure above, these can be erased with a 
simultaneous tap on the 
cd or ef keys of the right 
touch pad (CLEAR). Complete the operation with a 
brief tap on the center key 
 of the left touch pad.
 Changing reference point values
Move the joystick into the range of the reference point 
that is to be changed: "L" (low), 1 … 6 or "H" (high). 
The number and current curve value of this point are 
displayed. The reference point value displayed in 
inverse video can be changed in a range of -125 % to 
+125 % without infl uencing the neighboring reference 