Outsource Industries Inc. OSIPSSLTX Manuel D’Utilisation

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 Chapter 5 
The Sound Localization Guidebook Prototype
The Sound Localization Guidebook Prototype
 Chapter 5 
Activity Six: Localizing sound when moving in 
opposition to the sound source
  1.   Assume initial position: Instructor stands in front 
and to the learner’s right at a specifi c distance away. 
When sound source is turned on, instructor and 
learner start walking toward each other in a parallel 
line of direction. Instructor stops before he reaches 
learner. Learner continues walking in a parallel line 
and stops beside the sound source. The diffi culty 
in performing this condition is in maintaining the 
parallel position; tendency of learner will be to veer 
toward or away from the sound.
Instructor: “Walk straight ahead until you hear the sound 
directly on your right side; then stop.” (See Figure 8.)
Figure 8
  2.   Repeat condition one by reducing the distance the 
instructor walks and increasing the distance the 
learner walks. Alternate sides.
  3.   Repeat condition one by having the learner stop and 
start several times as he approaches the sound. When 
the sound is turned off, the learner will stop; when 
sound is turned on, the learner will start.
The activities outlined in chapters 2-5 are used to expose 
and train children to basic ways of interacting with direct 
sounds. These experiences and the skills developed through 
these exercises can be extrapolated to more sophisticated 
uses of sound in daily orientation and mobility tasks. A brief 
discussion of other ways sound can be used for orientation 
and mobility tasks and some examples of every day tasks 
using the skills developed through these exercises is covered 
in Appendix A.
17820 Sound Local.ind   54-55
6/24/05, 11:35:25 AM