APC NetBotz 320 Rack Appliance NBRK0320E Manuel D’Utilisation

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Advanced View: Defining Thresholds
Using Your Appliance
c. Add to the Threshold-Specific Addresses list the e-mail addresses of any personnel to whom e-
mail alert notifications should be sent if this threshold triggers an alert condition. Click Add...
type in the e-mail address to which the alert notification will be sent, and then click OK
If you’ve installed an SMS-capable modem you can deliver alert notification to SMS-enabled 
devices by entering threshold-specific addresses for them in the following format: 
where sms_device_address is the telephone number or e-mail address associated with the SMS-
enabled device (for example, “sms:5123334444” or “sms:user@mycorp.com”). 
7. If desired, specify Advanced Threshold settings. All Advanced threshold settings are optional. From 
the Advanced tab in the Thresholds pane:
– Specify  a  Return To Normal Delay value. Use the controls to specify the number of seconds 
that must pass after this threshold has returned to normal before the threshold state is considered 
returned to normal. Default value is 0 (state returns to normal immediately after the measured 
value is no longer violating the threshold). 
– Set an Advanced Schedule for this threshold (optional). By default, all thresholds are assumed to 
be enabled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, you can specify that a threshold will be 
enabled only during specific time ranges. To set an Advanced Schedule:
a. Click Advanced Schedule.... The Schedule Threshold window opens.
b.By default, all time periods in the schedule are set to Enabled. To disable the threshold for a 
currently enabled period of time, highlight the period of time by clicking-and-dragging over the 
desired time range, and then click Disable. To enable the threshold for a currently disabled 
period of time, highlight the period of time by clicking-and-dragging over the desired time 
range, and then click Enable.
c. When you have finished creating your Advanced Threshold, click OK to save the schedule and 
return to the Thresholds task.
– Select an Alert Severity value for this threshold. Available Alert Severities are, in order of 
escalating severity: Information, Warning, Error, Critical, or Failure. By default, the Alert 
Severity generated by this threshold will be “Error.”
– Specify the Alert Profile that will be used to determine what alert notification actions will be 
taken in response to this threshold. By default, the Default Alert Profile is used for all thresholds. 
However, if you have created additional Alert Profiles you can specify that a threshold use an 
Alert Profile other than Default.
– Select Cameras to Trigger in response to the alert. If desired, alert notifications generated in 
response to this threshold can include image captures from any Camera Pod 120s connected to 
These threshold-specific notifications are sent only if your appliance has one or 
more Alert Actions defined that use the Send E-Mail Message alert notification 
method and that have the Include Addresses from Thresholds check box 
checked. For more information, see “Alert Actions” on page 59 and “Advanced 
View: Creating Alert Actions” on page 161.
The Alert Profile drop box will appear in the Advanced tab only if additional 
Alert Profiles have been created. For more information see “Creating an Alert 
Profile” on page 63.