Overland Storage SnapScale X4 108TB OV-SSN301046 Fascicule

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Network Attached Storage has fulfilled many of the traditional IT needs by providing affordable data retention with simple management, and compatibility 
across multiple platforms. With the convenience and simplicity of Network Attached Storage it is difficult to imagine a business environment today that is not utilizing 
NAS, however with the explosion of data and the importance of compliance and uptime; traditional scale-up NAS solutions are quickly reaching limits of capacity, 
redundancy and performance within dynamic IT storage environments.
The SnapScale X4 from Overland Storage is a clustered NAS solution that solves the problems of traditional storage by enabling organizations with rapid or 
unpredictable data growth to scale capacity and performance infinitely without adding management complexity. Built on Overland Storage RAINcloud OS technology, 
SnapScale eliminates islands of storage, enabling easy and affordable scaling without having to predict capacity in advance. Offering user selectable levels of data 
redundancy, SnapScale writes data across multiple nodes and drives simultaneously for instant protection and high availability. The SnapScale hardware architecture 
and “single pane of glass” management creates a consistent user experience while both managing the existing global namespace and scaling storage as needed, 
without additional layers of administration.
To deal with limited space and resources, organizations must plan for the financial, operational and technological consequences storing and protecting large amounts 
of unstructured data. By investing in the high density SnapScale X4 architecture up front, organizations can assure that their file serving infrastructure will grow to meet 
future needs painlessly and cost-effectively, regardless of how rapidly performance and capacity requirements increase over time.
Infinite Scalability
Let the SnapScale X4 grow with your data. Scale storage by populating available drive-bays within 
individual nodes, or add additional nodes to increase capacity and improve performance by spreading 
the workload across the cluster. SnapScale will add any additional capacity from new nodes or drives 
automatically, ensuring proper configuration and load balancing for optimal performance. SnapScale also 
provides an intuitive, browser-based interface to manage an entire cluster from a single pane of glass, 
regardless of capacity. There are no limits to the number of nodes or drives in a SnapScale cluster, 
allowing growth without boundaries, all while remaining online with superior data protection.
Global Namespace
Reduce the amount of infrastructure required, and prevent islands of storage from forming on your 
network by consolidating file storage with SnapScale X4. Whether managing small amounts of storage  
or petabytes of storage, the management of the SnapScale global namespace remains a simple and 
consistent experience. Increase the size of your SnapScale global namespace as needed, saving  time 
and reducing capital costs by preventing the over purchasing of storage capacity. Create flexible storage 
volumes without limits in the global namespace to eliminate the need for manual provisioning, or manually 
control volume usage by creating adjustable quotas for different network applications or departments.
Unified Storage
Consolidate your storage by hosting both block and file level data on your SnapScale X4 clustered NAS 
system. Utilize common networking protocols such as SMB, NFS, HTTP or FTP for file sharing, collaboration 
and backup, and host database storage and virtualized servers on SnapScale iSCSI LUNs simultaneously.
Intelligent Clustering
Optimize disk utilization and performance in real-time with SnapScale Intelligent Clustering Technology.  The 
SnapScale system monitors and recommends changes to settings to make sure cluster performance and 
data protection are optimal.  Maximize node incorporation by distributing files evenly using the Data Balancer 
and make sure performance is spread efficiently between nodes and hard drives.  Using the File-level 
Striping feature, data is striped between drive sets on different nodes making room for large database or 
virtualization files and increases performance cluster-wide.  With the Spare Distributor, hot spares are always 
located in the best possible locations in order to maximize data protection throughout the cluster.
High Performance
Traditional storage is limited in performance by the fixed amount of network bandwidth in the single head unit architecture, which leads to congestion 
and throughput bottlenecks as user base grows. With the SnapScale X4, network bottlenecks are no longer a problem, because adding new nodes 
not only increases the usable storage in the global namespace, but also increases aggregate performance across the network by balancing user 
connections and spreading data out across the cluster. All types of files benefit from performance improvements as bandwidth, file I/O, processing 
power and capacity expand with each node. Simply add additional SnapScale nodes as needed to an existing cluster to accelerate application 
performance and to keep up with an ever-expanding user base, without downtime or tedious data migration.
High Availability
Standalone NAS has many single points of failure. Data loss or interruption can occur if any crucial hardware or software components fail, even 
when protected by proven RAID technologies. Unlike RAID however, the SnapScale X4 is designed to protect data by tolerating not only the failure 
of multiple drives, but even the failure of entire nodes with no downtime or offline rebuilding. Utilizing two selectable levels of data redundancy, 
SnapScale nodes create identical copies of files automatically when data is written to the global namespace, making node or drive failure 
completely transparent to the storage user or network application, by maintaining data availability. Completely remove all single points of failure with 
a SnapScale cluster and protect your businesses most crucial data with complete redundancy and protection.
Expand capacity and performance 
Simple management of large storage 
Block and file access to data
Automatic HA failover
Flexible Volumes
Remote replication
SnapScale X4
Intelligent storage just got smarter