Good Technology Good Connect, 2Y + Extended support GC.SUB.USER.EXT.M2Y Fascicule

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The Challenge
Truth is, employees in today’s fast-paced world want 
instant communication with their colleagues while mobile. 
Companies know it and want to encourage real-time 
collaboration and improve employee productivity, but 
security and compliance concerns often prevent the use 
of mobile instant messaging on market-leading devices. 
Current enterprise instant messaging apps are unencrypted, 
vulnerable to potential data loss, and expose the corporate 
network to unnecessary risk. Good Connect, a collaboration-
enabling solution from the leader in mobile security, solves 
these concerns by routing instant messages safely—
from behind the firewall, to mobile devices—without 
compromising your business information or network. And 
it’s designed for use on today’s hottest devices, so it lets 
your employees connect and collaborate on the smartphones 
and tablets they want to use.
Provide Unparalleled Security
Unlike other instant messaging products, Good Connect delivers a secure instant messaging platform that protects 
corporate data at the application level. It leverages FIPS-certified AES encryption libraries, providing an additional layer 
of defense against malware-infected applications. Application policies, such as password requirements, remote lock 
and wipe, and prevent cut/copy/paste, safeguard corporate contact and message data within a secure container. Good’s 
container-based approach ensures corporate data is protected while maintaining employee privacy. 
Good Connect also protects the corporate network by running everything through Good Technology’s secure Network 
Operations Center (NOC). No VPN connections required. No need to open additional firewall holes. No servers in the 
Boost Employee Productivity
By using Good Connect, you can boost mobile employees’ productivity and provide greater value to your organization. 
Employees can track their colleagues’ availability, initiate or receive an instant message, make a phone call, share and 
open file links in Good Share or send an email securely via Good for EnterpriseTM. Best of all, Good Connect lets you 
effectively embrace BYOD programs without compromising corporate security or employee privacy. 
Maximize Your Investment
Good Connect is part of Good Technology’s Collaboration suite, giving you a complete enterprise mobility solution. 
Using Good Connect with Good for Enterprise  and Good Share you can ensure end-to-end communication security 
while further boosting mobile employee productivity.