Atmel ARM-Based Evaluation Kit AT91SAM9N12-EK AT91SAM9N12-EK Fiche De Données

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Make sure that the LLI.DMAC_CTRLBx register locations of all LLI entries in memory (except the last) are set as 
shown in Row 4 of 
. The LLI.DMAC_CTRLBx register of the last Linked List Item must be 
 shows a Linked List example with two list items.
Make sure that the LLI.DMAC_DSCRx register locations of all LLI entries in memory (except the last) are non-zero 
and point to the base address of the next Linked List Item. 
Make sure that the LLI.DMAC_SADDRx/LLI.DMAC_DADDRx register locations of all LLI entries in memory point 
to the start source/destination buffer address preceding that LLI fetch.
Make sure that the LLI.DMAC_CTRLAx.DONE field of the LLI.DMAC_CTRLAx register locations of all LLI entries 
in memory are cleared.
If source Picture-in-Picture mode is enabled (DMAC_CTRLBx.SRC_PIP is enabled), program the DMAC_SPIPx 
register for channel x.
If destination Picture-in-Picture is enabled (DMAC_CTRLBx.DST_PIP is enabled), program the DMAC_DPIPx 
register for channel x.
10. Clear any pending interrupts on the channel from the previous DMAC transfer by reading the status register: 
11. Program the DMAC_CTRLBx, DMAC_CFGx registers according to Row 4 as shown in 
12. Program the DMAC_DSCRx register with DMAC_DSCRx(0), the pointer to the first Linked List item.
13. Finally, enable the channel by writing a ‘1’ to the DMAC_CHER.ENAx bit, where x is the channel number. The 
transfer is performed.
14. The DMAC fetches the first LLI from the location pointed to by DMAC_DSCRx(0). 
LLI.DMAC_CTRLBx registers are fetched. The DMAC automatically reprograms the DMAC_SADDRx, 
DMAC_DADDRx, DMAC_DSCRx, DMAC_CTRLBx and DMAC_CTRLAx channel registers from the 
15. Source and destination request single and chunk DMAC transactions to transfer the buffer of data (assuming non-
memory peripheral). The DMAC acknowledges at the completion of every transaction (chunk and single) in the 
buffer and carries out the buffer transfer.
16. Once the buffer of data is transferred, the DMAC_CTRLAx register is written out to system memory at the same 
location and on the same layer (DMAC_DSCRx.DSCR_IF) where it was originally fetched, that is, the location of 
the DMAC_CTRLAx register of the linked list item fetched prior to the start of the buffer transfer. Only 
DMAC_CTRLAx register is written out because only the DMAC_CTRLAx.BTSIZE and DMAC_CTRLAX.DONE 
bits have been updated by DMAC hardware. Additionally, the DMAC_CTRLAx.DONE bit is asserted when the buf-
fer transfer has completed.
Do not poll the DMAC_CTRLAx.DONE bit in the DMAC memory map. Instead, poll the 
LLI.DMAC_CTRLAx.DONE bit in the LLI for that buffer. If the poll LLI.DMAC_CTRLAx.DONE bit is asserted, 
then this buffer transfer has completed. This LLI.DMAC_CTRLAx.DONE bit was cleared at the start of the 
17. The DMAC does not wait for the buffer interrupt to be cleared, but continues fetching the next LLI from the memory 
location pointed to by current DMAC_DSCRx register and automatically reprograms the DMAC_SADDRx, 
DMAC_DADDRx, DMAC_DSCRx, DMAC_CTRLAx and DMAC_CTRLBx channel registers. The DMAC transfer 
continues until the DMAC determines that the DMAC_CTRLBx and DMAC_DSCRx registers at the end of a buffer 
transfer match described in Row 1 of 
The DMAC then knows that the previous buffer 
transferred was the last buffer in the DMAC transfer. The DMAC transfer might look like that shown in 