Renkforce MP 8000 MP-8000 Fiche De Données

Codes de produits
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9. Operation
After connection and verification of the cables, you can take the power amplifier into operation for the
first time.
  Only  take  the  device  into  operation  after  familiarising  yourself  with  its  functions  and  these 
operating instructions. Check again that all connections are correct.
Make sure that the power amplifier and the connected devices are not overloaded. Playback 
must never be distorted. If distorted music signals can be heard although the volume was not 
set too high, switch off the system immediately and check the connection. If the connection is 
correct, please contact a specialist.
•  Turn the LEVEL (2) controller to minimum (left stop).
•  Switch on your audio source (e.g. mixer) and the connected devices.
•  Switch on the power amplifier with the POWER (1) mains switch (switch in “I” position).
•  The status displays (3) indicate the current operating state of the device.
 POWER = Channel is supplied with power
 SIGNAL = A signal is pending at the channel
 CLIP = The channel is over-modulated (reduce the level of this signal if this display lights up)
•  Set the audio source volume to approx. 75% of the maximum volume or the maximum undistorted level
(visible for devices with modulation display at the 0 dB mark).
•  Now set the maximum required volume with the LEVEL (2) volume controls.
 This setting achieves the highest possible signal-to-noise ratio and enables the best audio quali-
ty. Note that the maximum volume depends on the performance of the speakers and the amplifier.
The CLIP-LEDs of the status displays (3) should only light up briefly when there are volume peaks.
If the volume is too high, this may lead to damage to the speakers as well as the amplifier.
•  After completing this setting, the volume will only be controlled via the volume control at the audio sour-
ce (mixer) anymore.
•  To switch off the system, first switch off the power amplifier with the POWER (1) mains switch and then
the audio sources.
  The amplifier for this equipment should always be the last to be turned on and the first to be 
turned off. This will prevent any undesired noises (which can typically occur when switching 
off the device) from damaging the amplifier or loudspeakers.