Velleman 3D printer assembly kit Single extruder (value.974113) K8200 Fiche De Données

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How to create the G-code files from any gerber file (using PCBMill software) necessary to create 
a PCB with 3D printer, by milling.
To create a PCB with 3D printer, by milling, you need the G-Code files for the tracks patterning and for the 
holes pertaining to the printed circuit board itself. In this section we describe how to obtain these G-Code 
files, starting with a gerber file created by using any design software for PCBs: for the conversion we use 
the free software PCBMill (supplied by CNCdrive company).
This software is very simple and intuitive and allows to obtain G-Code format files that can be imported 
without any problem in Repetier Host. The creation of the printed circuit provides the use of a chisel to make 
the incision of the tracks and of a drill bit with the suitable diameter for drilling. Both are to be mounted in 
the electric mandrel.
- The first procedure is to download the software PCBMill (PCB milling software tool) from the downloads 
of CNCdrive under the section “Software tools (freeware)” 
- Unzip the file and install the software by double clicking on the file “Setup” (follow the directions on-screen).
- After the installation, launch PCBMill clicking on its icon.
PCBMill settings
First of all you need to make the program settings in order to get the correct G-Code file.
Click PCBMill -> Settings (this will open the following window):
The Settings menu is divided into three parts.
The  first  part  “Mill  settings”  allows  you  to  set  some  of  the  parameters  required  for  the  creation  of  the 
G-Code related to the incision of the tracks, such as feedrates, mill depth, etc. We recommend to keep the 
parameters we show (visible in the picture above). The only thing that you have to set is the tool diameter 
that depends on the mill (chisel) that will be used (in our case 0.15mm).
The second part “Drill settings”, concerns the settings for CS drilling.
The third part is related to the generation of the G-Code (leave the default parameters).