Intel 1.80 GHz RH80532NC033256 Fiche De Données

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Mobile Intel
Processor (0.13 µ)  
Micro-FCBGA and Micro-FCPGA Packages Datasheet 
298517-006 Datasheet 
25 Noise 
The signal quality of the VTTPWRGD signal is critical to the correct operation of the processor.  Every 
effort should be made to ensure this signal is monotonic in the transition region.  If noise or glitches are 
present on this signal, it must be kept to less than 100 mV of a voltage drop from the highest voltage 
level received to that point.  This glitch must remain less than 100 mV until the excursion ends by the 
voltage returning to the highest voltage previously received.  Please see Figure 4 for an example graph of 
this situation and requirements. 
Figure 4. Noise Estimation 
System Bus Clock and Processor Clocking 
The BCLK and BCLK# clock inputs directly control the operating speed of the system bus interface. All 
system bus timing parameters are specified with respect to the crossing point of the rising edge of the 
BCLK input and falling edge of the BCLK# input. The Mobile Intel Celeron Processor core frequency is 
a multiple of the BCLK frequency. The processor core frequency is configured during manufacturing. 
The configured bus ratio is visible to software in the Power-on configuration register. See Section 7.2 for 
Multiplying the bus clock frequency is necessary to increase performance while allowing for easier 
distribution of signals within the system. Clock multiplication within the processor is provided by the 
internal Phase Lock Loop (PLL), which requires constant frequency BCLK and BCLK# inputs. During 
Reset or on exit from the Deep Sleep state, the PLL requires some amount of time to acquire the phase 
of BCLK and BCLK#. This time is called the PLL lock latency, which is specified in Section 3.6, AC 
timing parameters T18 and T47.