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Volume 2—SMBus 2.0 Unit 2 - PECI—C2000 Product Family
CPU Thermal and Power Optimization Capabilities
 Atom™ Processor C2000 Product Family for Microserver
Datasheet, Vol. 2 of 3
September 2014
Order Number: 330061-002US
Thermally Constrained Time Read (Index = 32)
This feature allows the PECI host to access the total time for which the processor has 
been operating in a lowered power state due to Thermal Control Circuit (TCC) 
activation. The returned data includes the time required to ramp back up to the original 
P-State target after TCC activation expires. This timer does not include TCC activation 
as a result of an external assertion of SoC PROCHOT_B signal pin. This is tracked by a 
32-bit counter with a resolution of 1 ms per count that rolls over or wraps around. 
Concerning the processor PECI clients, the only logic that can be thermally constrained 
are those which are supplied by VCC.
Current Limit Read (Index = 17)
This read returns the current limit for the processor VCC power plane in 1/8-ampere 
increments. Actual current limit data is contained only in the lower 13 bits of the 
response data. The default return value of 0x438 corresponds to a current limit value of 
135 amperes. See 
Figure 17-22.Current Limit Read Data
Current Limit
for Processor VCC
13 12