Intel C2550 FH8065401488912 Fiche De Données

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 Atom™ Processor C2000 Product Family for Microserver
September 2014
Datasheet, Vol. 2 of 3
Order Number: 330061-002US
Volume 2—Platform Controller Unit (PCU)—C2000 Product Family
Pin-Based (Hard) Straps
For the hard strap pins, the customer board may need to provide external pull-down 
and pull-up resistors to force the pin to the intended state of the strapping mechanism.
The pins sampled by 
 is asserted. Before 
and during the assertion, these pins are temporarily SoC input pins and, if indicated, 
have an internal temporary termination resistor applied only during the sampling 
period. The hard pin-strap information must be held valid at the SoC inputs for a 
minimum of 400 ns after COREPWROK is asserted.
• Core-Well Strap-pin hold time required after COREPOWER driven high = 400 ns 
• SUS-Well Strap-pin hold time required after RSMRST_B (active low) driven 
high = 400 ns minimum
All of these hard strap pins return to their native, functional signal characteristics after 
the sampling period.
The strapping pins marked as Reserved for Intel do not need any special attention from 
the board designer for proper operation as long as the internal pull-up/pull-down is not 
defeated by the platform board design during the sampling period.
These board settings of the strapping mechanism are overwritten by the DFX Tap of the 
SoC. The Intel debug and test software reads and retains the board settings before the 
DFX Tap overwrite.