Intel E3815 FH8065301567411 Fiche De Données

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Low Power Engine (LPE) for Audio (I
 Atom™ Processor E3800 Product Family
Removing Trailing Bytes (Processor Based SSCR1.TRAIL=0)
This is the default method indicated by a zero in the SSCR1.TRAIL bit. In this case, no 
Receive DMA service request is generated. To read out the trailing bytes, software 
should wait for the timeout Interrupt and then read all remaining entries as indicated 
by the SSSR.RFL and SSSR.RNE bits within the Enhanced SSP Status register (SSSR).
To use the Trailing bytes feature through the CPU, the Timeout Interrupt must be 
enabled by setting SSCR1.TINTE=1 (to enable the interrupt).
Removing Trailing Bytes (DMA Based SSCR1.TRAIL=1)
When the DMA is to handle trailing bytes (SSCR1.TRAIL = 1) a DMA service request is 
automatically issued for the remaining number of samples left in the Receive buffer. 
The DMA will then empty the contents of the Receive buffer unless the DMA reaches the 
end of its Descriptor chain
If a timeout occurs, the processor is only interrupted by 
means of a Timeout Interrupt if it has been enabled by setting SSCR1.TINTE=1. When 
handling trailing bytes by means of the DMA, if a timeout occurs and the receive FIFO is 
empty, an End-of-Receive (EOR) will be sent to the DMA Controller. If an EOC occurs at 
the time that the last sample is read out of the FIFO (the DMA descriptor chain was just 
exactly long enough), and the timeout counter is still running (that is, a time out has 
not occurred and the SSTO register is non-zero), then, when the time out does occur, 
the Enhanced SSP will generate a DMA request which will create an RAS interrupt from 
the DMA. When this occurs, software must re-program the DMA registers and re-enable 
the channel for the Enhanced SSP to send its EOR to the DMA controller.