Behringer Ultralink Pro MX882 Produit Fiche De Donnée

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Its a Mixer – Its a Splitter
Basically, the MX882 consists of 6 mono channels, which can be used either as a splitter or as a mixer. 
For instance, a stereo program source can be connected via the Main Inputs, and then routed to 
any of the mono channels set to Split mode. For our example, we’ll use Channel 1 with the Split/Mix 
switch in the out (Split) position. Adjust the Channel 1 Balance/Pan control to set how much of the 
Left and Right Main Input signal is routed to the Channel 1 mono Output XLR. And you can do the 
same thing with all 6 of the MX882 channels.
In Mix mode, the input signals from any, or all, of the MX882’s 6 channels can be mixed to the 
stereo Main Output, with their individual Balance/Pan controls determining the signal’s placement 
within the stereo image (Pan). It is advantageous that when operating in Mix mode, the stereo 
Main Input signal is automatically sent to the Main Outputs – allowing you to combine a total 
of up to 8 individual signals. The mono Input signals are still sent to their mono outputs, which 
means each channel can also be used as an individual matching amplifi er. The Level controls for the 
corresponding channels enable the user to adapt the levels at will, with a maximum gain of +15 dB. 
Levels used in home-recording can easily be converted into studio levels (+4 dBu), and vice versa.
Typical Applications
As we mentioned above, the ULTRALINK PRO MX882 is one of the most fl exible systems of its type. 
Below are just a few of the applications the multitasking MX882 can accommodate:
•   Keyboard or drum submixer
Distribution amplifi er for PA systems, dance clubs, theatres, churches, hotels, 
communication systems, etc.
•   Add-on module for mixer channels
•   Add-on module for FX and monitor paths
•   Level translator from -10 dBV to +4 dBu, or vice versa
Ultra-Flexible 8-Channel Splitter/Mixer
Rackmount Mixers
Product Information Document
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