HP StorageWorks 6105 Virtual Library System AF728A Fascicule

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Looking at this a different way means that, while the Virtual Library System is backing up the slow 
SAN hosts and LAN-attached servers overnight, the physical tape device can be deployed in backing 
up the higher performance main databases or other data. Then, during the day when the physical 
tape infrastructure is not normally utilized, the previous night’s backups to virtual tape can be 
migrated to physical tape. All in all, the physical tape infrastructure is used more effectively and the 
media management issues associated with lots of tapes with small amounts of data are eradicated. 
Consolidation takes place as the backups are migrated to physical tape. 
Because the physical tape infrastructure is used more effectively and efficiently, there is a reduced 
need to expand the physical library infrastructure significantly as data volumes grow. The effect of 
adding a virtual tape library to your backup infrastructure can become cost neutral, improving total 
cost of ownership (TCO). 
Improved transaction log backup in database environment 
using the HP VLS6000 
Figure 11. The HP VLS6000 is ideal for short-lived data such as transaction logs