Suunto X9 Manuel D'Instructions

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The symbol options are:
 You will navigate from the beginning or the active waypoint to the end of the route. 
When you arrive at the waypoint, Suunto X9 will automatically activate the next 
 You will navigate in the reversed order, from the end or from the active waypoint 
to the beginning of the route.
 You will navigate to a chosen waypoint until you activate another waypoint or 
change the navigation method. 
 A route is not activated. You will navigate to the first GPS position (Start) instead 
of an actual route destination.
 This symbol is displayed when you activate a single waypoint on the MyPoints 
route. This navigation option is only available if you choose a waypoint from the 
MyPoints route.
NOTE: In normal route navigation, the unit automatically 
switches to the next waypoint when you arrive inside a 30-
meter radius of the waypoint or pass it at a distance further 
than 100 meters of the perpendicular line to the route that 
goes through the waypoint. 
Changing the active waypoint
You can change the active waypoint in the Navigation data 
To change the active waypoint:
1. Press START/DATA to open the Navigation data display.
2. Select the desired waypoint with UP/DOWN.
3. Press ENTER to activate the selected waypoint. Suunto X9 starts guiding you to this 