Magma MDR 24/96 Manuel D’Utilisation

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MDR 24/96
Sample Clock
The Sample Clock setting determines the source of the MDR24/96 sample clock.
If the MDR24/96 is a clock master or is not connected to any other digital
device(s), set it to Internal. If the MDR24/96 is a word clock slave, set it to Word
. The Video setting is discussed in the Technical Reference Manual.
Sample Rate
The Sample Rate determines how fast the MDR24/96 sample clock runs. Compact
Disks use a 44.1 kHz sample rate, while some DVD disks use 96 kHz. The video
production folks prefer 48 kHz because their digital video recorders use 48 kHz.
Even though the MDR24/96 supports four Sample Rates, you can only choose
between two at any given time. The range of available rates is determined by the
current Project’s Sample Rate mode. The Sample Rate mode determines whether
a Project will be a 24-track 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz Project, or a 12-track 88.2 kHz
or 96 kHz Project. To change the Sample Rate to a setting that is not available,
first create or open a Project with the desired Sample Rate mode.
The Bit Depth setting determines how many bits are contained in each audio
sample recorded to disk (the bit “resolution”). While 16-Bit audio takes up 1/3
less disk space than 24-Bit audio, 24-Bit audio offers the potential for greater
dynamic range (the difference between the softest and loudest sounds that can be
recorded) and captures a more accurate “image” of the sound.
Word Clock Divisors (88.2/96 kHz operation only)
Some devices that support double-wide AES at 88.2 and 96 kHz can only transmit
or receive word clock at 0.5x the Sample Rate. The Word Clock divisors determine
whether Word Clock In and Word Clock Out run at 1x or 0.5x the MDR24/96
Sample Rate. Both divisors can be set independently.
To configure the MDR24/96 synchronization settings:
1.  Press Sync to enter the Sync Options menu. Select Sample Clock. Select
either Internal or Word Clock according to your setup using the (–)Dec /
 or << / >> buttons.
2.  Select OK to return to the
Sync Options menu.
3.  Select Sample Rate. Using
the (–)Dec / (+)Inc or << /
 buttons, set the Sample
Rate to 44.1 kHz or 48
(88.2 kHz or 96 kHz). Select OK.
4.  Move to the third page of the Sync Options menu with the Page Right (>)
5.  Select Bit Depth. Set the Bit
Depth to 16 Bit or 24 Bit using
the (–)Dec / (+)Inc or << / >>
buttons. Select OK.
You must still select
the MDR24/96’s
Sample Rate even if
it’s slaved to another
device’s clock. If you
don’t set it correctly,
the MDR24/96 time
display will run at
the wrong rate, even
though audio will
play at the right
 SYNC OPTIONS      [1]->
   Sample     Time Code
 Clock Rate  Source Rate
The PDI·8 is the only
Mackie I/O card that
currently supports
88.2 or 96 kHz opera-
tion.  Do not operate
the MDR24/96 at
these Sample Rates
with AIO·8, DIO·8, or
OPT·8 cards installed.
See Errata for more
<-   SYNC OPTIONS    [3]
 Bit    Generate    TC
Depth  SMPTE  MTC Offset