Bacharach Fyrite Classic Manuel Du Propriétaire

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Instruction 0011-9026 
Page 7
10.  This step completes CO
 or O
 FYRITE gas sample analysis. A few points to re-
member when reading the FYRITE:
(a)  FYRITE accuracy is within ±1/2% CO
 or O
 compared to actual value.
(b)  Always handle FYRITE by fi ns to ensure body heat is not absorbed by fl uid.
(c)  A delay in reading of 5 or 10 seconds may decrease accuracy of reading 
slightly but longer delays may cause substantial error.
(d)  The FYRITE is calibrated to indicate on a “dry” basis for fl ue gas samples, 
which are normally fully saturated with moisture. Failure to artifi cially 
moisten wool packing in Filter Saturator Tube when actual sample is not 
fully saturated will cause FYRITE to read slightly low.
Therefore, make certain wool packing in Filter Saturator Tube is suffi ciently 
moistened with water for accurate results on non-fl ue gases. Avoid excessive 
moisture which can be drawn into the Aspirator Bulb and forced into the 
FYRITE during sampling.
Never depress plunger valve to vent FYRITE in the inverted 
position. This will cause fl uid to spill, which is corrosive and 
contains poisonous elements. In the event of a spill, read In-
structions in Section 2.2 FYRITE fl uid handling precautions.
3.1   Determining CO
 and O
 FYRITE Fluid Strength
FYRITE Fluid strength can be conveniently checked immediately after the fi rst 
sample reading. Without venting, repeat the absorbing operations (Steps 7 through 
9) by inverting FYRITE again and positioning upright until all fl uid drains to the bot-
tom reservoir. Observe scale reading. An increase of more than 1/2% CO
 or O
 in the 
second reading as compared to the fi rst indicates a need for fl uid replacement.
3.2   Operating Precautions to Ensure Maximum Accuracy
Locate top of fl uid column (refer to Fig. 11). The surface at the top of the fl uid column 
(meniscus) in the small, center bore will be dish-shaped as shown in Figure 11. Either 
the high or low point of this dish- shaped surface may be used to locate top of fl uid col-
umn providing the same point is always used both for setting scale zero and reading 
percent CO
 or O
. Obviously, using high point for one operation and low point for the 
other will cause an error.
Best practice is to use high point of this fl uid surface just at the small center bore 
wall. In setting scale zero or reading percent CO
 or 0
, hold FYRITE vertically and 
level with eyes and sight across scale to top of fl uid column.