Lynx LSB13NG Utilisation Et Entretien

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Side burner acceSSory care & uSe/inStallation
ensure that burner ties and all packing materials are re-
moved before lighting any new accessory.
AT eACh new SeASon
at the start of each new grilling season you should remove 
the cooking grates and check the burners, venturis, orifices 
and valves for obstructions. 
spiders and insects often nest in these areas of the acces-
sory and can disrupt air flow, causing damage to the acces-
sory and personal injury.
also, check all hoses and fittings for damage, abrasion, 
wear and tear and repair, if necessary, before turning the 
gas on.
Replacement pressure regulators and hose assemblies, 
must be the type specified by lynx. the pressure regulator 
and hose assembly supplied with the unit must be used. 
if the unit is lp, screw the regulator into the tank and leak 
check the hose and regulator connections with a soap and 
water solution before operating the burner. turn all knobs 
to off then sloWly turn on the gas supply valve.
do not use any grill accessory if you smell gas. 
PurGinG The GAS LineS
you should purge the gas line of air before attempting to 
light the grill accessory.
1.  make sure all grill controls are in the “off” position. 
2.  slowly turn on the main gas supply.
3.  push in the control knob for the burner furthest from 
the fuel source. using the burner furthest from the fuel 
source will completely purge the lines. it will take sev-
eral seconds for the burner to light. 
4.  hold the knob on for about 20 seconds to allow the 
air in the system to purge and the burner to light 
5.  Wait at least 5 minutes after shutting off the control 
before attempting to light the burners.
mATCh LiGhTinG
if a burner fails to light after several attempts, it can be 
match lit. if you’ve just attempted to light the burner with 
the igniter, allow 5 minutes for any accumulated gas to dis-
sipate before match lighting.
make sure all knobs are in the off position. Keep your face 
as far away from the burner as possible. 
using the manual lighting rod, pass a lit match over the 
ports of the burner. the lynX power Burner features a 
lighting rod as shown above.
push and turn the control knob of the burner to ‘lite”. if the 
burner does not light in 4 seconds, turn the knob off and 
wait 5 minutes before attempting again.
Lighting instructions for ALL Accessories
Read the ‘user manual/installation instructions 
carefully and completely before using your grill 
or grill accessory to reduce the risk of fire, burn 
hazard or other injury. 