Lynx L30AGNG Utilisation Et Entretien

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Care & use/installation
HOW tO liGHt YOur Grill
Pre-Grill CHeCKliSt
• do you smell gas? if yes, shut off everything and call the 
gas company or a qualified plumber to check for leaks, if 
not please continue.
• are you prepared to stay with the grill during the entire 
cooking process? if not, gather what you need before 
starting the lighting process. if yes, please continue.
• is your cooking area free and clear of any combustibles, 
besides your food, that might ignite? if not, clear the area 
before starting the lighting process, if yes, please continue.
• do all control knobs turn freely? if not, call for service, if 
yes, please continue.
• if you are using a portable propane cylinder, is it 
connected and leak tested? if not, check the connection 
before continuing. if yes, please continue.
• do you know where your grill’s main gas supply shut off 
valve is located? if not, locate it before continuing. if yes, 
please continue.
• are all burners properly seated in the grill with mounting 
legs in slots? if not, seat the burners properly before 
continuing. if yes, please continue.
• is the wind blowing just lightly and not blowing on the 
back of the grill? if not, wait until the wind subsides or turn 
your free standing grill so the wind goes into the front of 
the grill. if yes, please continue with the lighting process.
CHeCKliSt BeFOre eACH uSe (FOr YOur SAFetY)
1.  Before each use, complete the checklist above.
2.  remove the cover.
3.  make sure all burner control knobs are in the off position.
4.  push in the power/shutoff button. the blue led lights above the knobs will indicate that the grill is energized.
5.  turn the knob to the desired position. the Blue burner indicator light will glow when the burner is on. the 
Blue burner indicator light will shut off when the burner temperature set point is met. the Blue light will cycle 
on and off during normal operation. the Blue led lights above the knobs will indicate that the grill is on.
BeFore Your FirST uSe
there are a few must-check safety precautions to consider 
before you use your grill.  please be sure that:
• all packing materials and tie-downs have been removed 
from the burners. (see indeX: “unpacking and assembly” 
for further details.) 
• you have fuel connected. (see indeX: “gas require-
ments” for further details.) 
• you have electrical connected.  (see indeX: “electric 
requirements” for further details.)
• a qualified plumber has performed a leak test on all the 
fittings that supply fuel to your grill.
AT eACh new SeASon
at the start of each new grilling season you should remove 
the grilling racks and check the burners, venturis, orifices 
and valves for obstructions.
spiders and insects often nest in these areas of the grill 
and can disrupt air flow, causing damage to the grill and 
personal injury.
also, check all hoses and fittings for damage, abrasion, 
wear and tear.