Wolf GR364GX Manuel D'Instructions

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downdRaFt FilteRs
Filters should be washed once a month.
To remove the filters from the downdraft, push the filter 
tab down while pulling the filter out away from the down-
draft. The filters may be placed in the dishwasher or hand 
washed with mild detergent or spray degreaser. Reinstall 
filter when dry. 
impoRtant note: Do not operate the downdraft without 
outdooR Gas GRill
To clean the exterior of your outdoor grill, use a lint free or 
microfiber cloth and a stainless steel cleaner to remove any 
stains. Then apply a polish to maintain luster and protect 
the surface from future stains. Always apply cleaner and 
polish in the same direction as the grain. To remove burn 
marks or heat stains, apply Penny Brite
 cleaning paste to 
a sponge and lightly rub with the grain until burn marks are 
gone. Wipe any remaining residue with a clean, damp cloth 
or sponge to reapply a coat of polish.
To clean the interior of your outdoor grill, leave the  
briquettes and grates in place (remove smoker box) and 
turn all of the burners (except rotisserie) on HI. Allow the 
grill to heat for 15 to 20 minutes with the hood closed. 
Then, turn the burners OFF and allow the grill to cool 
completely. After the grill has cooled, use a no-scratch 
 pad (pink or blue) and a mild detergent or 
spray degreaser to scrub the stainless steel components. 
Always scrub in the direction of the grain. To remove burn 
marks or heat stains, apply Penny Brite
 cleaning paste to 
a sponge and lightly rub with the grain until burn marks are 
gone. Wipe any remaining residue with a clean, damp cloth 
or sponge. Apply a polish to maintain luster and protect the 
surface from future stains. 
ConveCtion steam oven - inteRioR
Close the door to the at-rest position after every use. Once 
cool, the interior should be wiped of any excess moisture. 
Never use abrasive cleaners.
For general cleaning, initiate the steam mode at 175° F for 
30 minutes. This will loosen fat and cooking debris from 
the oven. Turn the oven off and wipe the interior with a 
cloth. If desired, dampen a clean cloth with lemon juice 
and wipe away water and blue tarnish spots.
Spray degreasers may be used as necessary. Easy-Off
Fume Free Oven Cleaner may be used for stubborn stains. 
When using an oven cleaner, verify the oven is off and 
completely cool. Remove the oven racks and rack guides. 
Spray cleaner onto the oven walls, ceiling and floor. Take 
extra care to ensure oven cleaner is not sprayed into the 
convection fan on the back wall. To apply cleaner to the 
back wall, spray cleaner onto a sponge and carefully apply. 
Close the door and allow cleaner to penetrate stains for 
two hours. After two hours, open the door and wipe the 
interior with a damp cloth or paper towel. Initiate steam 
mode at 210° F for 20 minutes. Turn the oven off and use a 
cloth or paper towel to remove any water that has pooled 
in the center of the oven. Close door to the at-rest position 
and allow the oven to dry completely.
Wire oven racks and rack guides may be cleaned in the 
ConveCtion steam oven - pans
The solid and perforated stainless steel pans are 
dishwasher safe. 
ConveCtion steam oven - wateR tank
After each use, the water tank should be emptied and 
allowed to dry.
Do not place the water tank in the dishwasher. Water 
marks will be removed during descaling.
wolF applianCe, inC.   p. o. BoX 44848   madison, wi 53744   wolFapplianCe.Com   800-222-7820