Marvel M72CSS Manuel De Montage

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The temperature is automatically controlled by a thermo-
stat. The freezer control is located in the roof of the freezer.  
Three “3” is a good setting to start out with... Lower num-
bers for warmer temperatures and higher numbers for cold-
est temperatures.
To help keep food fresh longer, some moisture is desirable 
in the food storage compartments. You may see it on the 
walls, or in the form of droplets of ice or “icicles”... especial-
ly in hot or humid weather, or when frequent or extended 
door openings occur. This is normal, and not in any way 
harmful. If occasional “spot” build-ups occur, it is usually the 
result of the above, or of “overcrowding” of food. Occasion-
ally remove such accumulation.
Defrosting is automatic. It takes place in the Power Module, 
above and away from your food. For several minutes each 
day the compressor and interior fan will shut off, while any 
ice accumulation is removed from the coils.
It’s easy to keep your Built-In freezer clean.  Occasionally, 
clean the interior walls, shelves, door interiors and gaskets 
with a solution of two (2) teaspoons of baking soda dis-
solved in a quart of lukewarm water. Harsh abrasives and 
cleaning powders are unnecessary and should never be 
used. Do not place parts in the dishwasher.
It is recommended that circuit breakers be shut off before 
cleaning. Wring excess moisture from sponge or cloth and 
avoid excess moisture, especially when cleaning in the 
vicinity of switches, lights or controls.
If your unit has a stainless steel interior, shelves or exterior 
door then use a stainless steel cleaner and a cloth to clean.
Condenser cleaning procedure:
The condenser is located behind the top grille. It is a part 
of the Power Module on its very right hand side. It has 
horizontal tubes with small diameter vertical wires and 
it is black in color. It is away from floor dust, however, 
should be examined for dust accumulation at least 
two (2) times a year, and cleaned and/or vacuumed as 
necessary. Remember to shut off the circuit breaker before 
removing the grille and before exposing, cleaning, and/or 
vacuuming the condenser.
The louvered black or stainless steel grille is all one assem-
bly. There are 3 ways to remove the grille. The most widely 
used method of mounting is with springs. The spring(s) are 
located behind the grille back. The spring(s) are mounted 
to the top of the cabinet and hook to the square holes in the 
grille back. To remove the grille, pull the grille forward and 
reach down to the spring and unhook it from the grille back. 
The grille back will be free to be removed.
The second method (optional) is with mounting brackets 
behind the grille back. Pull the grille forward about one (1) 
inch to expose the top screw in the brackets. Unscrew the 
screw to loosen it but do not remove it. Do this to each 
bracket. CAUTION, when the screw is loosened, the grille 
back will be loose, do not allow it to fall. Grasp the grille 
back on each side and tilt the top forward and lift upward to 
free the grille from its mounting.
A custom panel grille can be removed by lifting up on the 
facia panel and pulling forward on the facia panel. The grille 
back is held in place by a screw at the center going up into 
the adjacent cabinet. Remove this screw and the grille back 
can be removed.
The louvered grille is heavy so use care when removing.  
Now you can inspect the condenser for dust accumulation.
Be sure to refasten top grille after cleaning to avoid injury, 
as grille could fall if not properly fastened.
Figure 36
(behind grille)
Power module
(on top of cabi-