Lucent Technologies passageway service provider for merlin legend communications system Manuel D’Utilisation

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Problem 5:  Your TAPI application completes a conference without a real
conference existing.
If you drop the consultation call or if the party on the other end of the
consultation call hangs-up in midst of setting up a conference, the application
may incorrectly show that the conference was completed. Meanwhile, there is
only one call active on the phone. This is a known problem that will be
addressed in a later release of the PassageWay Service Provider.
If you are experiencing this problem, then you should restart the application
and any other telephony application that you have running on your system.
Please keep in mind that there are many types of applications that classify as
telephony applications. For example, Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft
Schedule+ are both telephony applications. If either are running, they will
have to be shutdown and restarted.
Transferring Calls
This section presents some common problems you might encounter when you
transfer calls via TAPI applications (for example, Snap Connection).
Problem 1: You are unable to use the Conference and Transfer features.
If your telephone is configured with one bridged call appearance or multiple
bridged call appearances to different extensions, you will be unable to
conference and transfer calls using the TAPI application. This situation will not
occur if you have more than one bridged appearance for each number.