Sony Viao PictureBook Computer Manuel

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Troubleshooting i.LINK devices
Troubleshooting i.LINK devices
I cannot establish a connection between two VAIO computers 
when using an i.LINK cable.
Disconnect the i.LINK®
 cable from both computers and reconnect it.
Wait for the computers to respond. If neither computer responds after a few 
moments, restart both computers.
I cannot export images to a digital video (DV) device.
Images that were taken with your computer using MovieShaker or DVgate 
software may not properly export to a DV device when it is connected to your 
computer via an i.LINK® cable. To export the images correctly, follow these 
 the CPU: Performance Profile: AC Power icon on the 
Windows® taskbar.
Select Profile, and click DV.
Setting your system to DV is only recommended for exporting images to a DV 
device. Once you finish exporting the images to a DV device, set the PowerPanel 
profile back to the default setting.
* i.LINK is a Sony trademark used only to designate that a product contains an IEEE 1394 con-
nection. The i.LINK connection may vary, depending on the software applications, operating 
system, and compatible i.LINK devices. All products with an i.LINK connection may not 
communicate with each other. Refer to the documentation that came with your compatible 
i.LINK device for information on operating conditions and proper connection. Before con-
necting compatible i.LINK PC peripherals to your system, such as a CD-RW or hard disk 
drive, confirm their operating system compatibility and required operating conditions.
The computers may not recognize an i.LINK connection after returning from a power 
saving mode (Standby or Hibernate). If that happens, restart the computers to 
establish a connection.