Rio Grande Games 5th Avenue Manuel D’Utilisation

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open up the game board
place 1 business tile per
district and 20 on the 
business supply row
Each player takes:
1 bidding card per color 
4 black bidding cards
(place the remaining cards in 6
separate stacks next to each
other: colored cards face up and
black cards face down)
one summary card
6 skyscrapers
- one as scoring marker
- two on building plots
- three in his supply
(place the remaining 
skyscrapers next to the 
board as a general supply)
* small tip: if possible, players
should try to place their 2
skyscrapers adjacent to the business
tiles placed earlier 
place commissioners and
markers on City Hall
place the building stop markers
Place the game board in the middle of the table. It shows 7 districts, each divided
into 5 different colored building plots. On the left is City Hall (the starting space
for the commissioners with 4 white and 4 beige colored spots). On the right is
Central Park (the ending space for the commissioners).The scoring track runs
around the board.
Note: on the back side of the game board, the map shows 6 building plots in each district.
This allows another way for players to play the game (see special rules for this at the end
of these rules).
Shuffle the business tiles face down, draw them one at a time, and randomly
place one face up on one building plot in each district.When placing these
business tiles, make certain at least one is placed on each plot color and none are
placed so that more than two plots of a color are used.
Next, draw another 20 businesses, one at a time, and place them face up in the
order drawn, from left to right on the 20 spaces of the business supply row near
the upper edge of the board.
Place the 9 un-drawn businesses face down back in the box, without looking at
them. They will not be used in this game.
Separate the colored bidding cards by color and shuffle each stack separately
face down. Each player draws one card of each color as his starting hand.The
players keep the cards in their hands secret from each other during the game.
Next, place the remaining colored cards face up in 5 separate stacks next to each
other near the game board. Place the stacks so only the top-most card in each
stack can be seen.To be safe, you can also place the stacks face down, turning the
top-most card face up each time one is taken.
Shuffle the black bidding cards face down. Each player draws 4 black cards,
adding them to his hand. Place the remaining black cards in a face down stack
next to the 5 colored stacks.
Each player takes one summary card, placing it face up in his play area (the area
before him). On this side is a review of a player’s turn options, the victory points
players earn during scoring and building stops, and a skyscraper supply.
On the back side is an example of the movement of the commissioners.
Each player chooses a color and takes, in that color:
1 skyscraper, placing it on the 0/80 space of the scoring track.
2 skyscrapers, placing them on the game board using these rules: the
youngest (or starting player, chosen in any way the players want) first places
one of his skyscrapers on any empty building plot*. Next, his right neighbor
places one of his skyscrapers on any empty building plot, and so on, until all
players each have placed one skyscraper (in counter-clockwise order). Now,
each player places his second skyscraper on the game board on any empty
building plot, but this time in clockwise order, beginning with the player who
placed his first skyscraper last.
1st placing round: Anna - Kevin - Ken - Alfonzo
2nd placing round: Alfonzo - Ken - Kevin - Anna
3 skyscrapers, placing them on the supply space on his summary card.The
skyscrapers in a player’s supply are always visible to all players, so all know
how many each player has in his supply.
Separate the remaining skyscrapers by color and place them next to the game
board as a general supply.
With fewer than 4 players, place the unchosen skyscrapers back in the box.
Place the 2 commissioners and the 6 commissioner markers on the
appropriate colored spots on City Hall.
Place the 2 building stop tiles next to the game board.