Lucent Technologies 4.1 Manuel D’Utilisation

Page de 363
Line Access Mode (#313)
This procedure applies only to systems configured for Hybrid mode.
This System Programming procedure identifies individual extensions that are to
operate as key extensions even though the system is configured for Hybrid
mode. If an extension’s Line Access Mode is changed to Key, individual lines
can be assigned to specific buttons on that extension’s phone regardless of
whether they are part of a pool.
Related Features
When an extension is changed from Pooled to Key, any previously assigned
pool buttons are removed from the extension and Pool Access Restriction
is set to No Access. Additionally, the extension is programmed with
factory settings for Line Assignment (#301), Line Access Restriction
(#302), Automatic Line Selection, and Line Ringing.
Extension 10 operates as a key extension regardless of how the system is
configured. The Line Access Mode for extension 10 cannot be changed.
Extensions that are programmed as key extensions cannot access pools
either by pressing pool buttons or by dialing pool access codes.
Valid Entries
1 = Pooled   
all extensions except 10
2 = Key   
extension 10 only
To change the Line Access Mode setting for a specific extension:
Press [
] [
] [
] [
 Sytem Program 
] [
 System Program 
] [
] [
] [
] [
Enter the desired extension number. For example, to program extension 18,
press [
] [
To change the Line Access Mode, press [
 Next Data 
] until the appropriate value
To program another extension, press [
 Next Item 
] or [
 Prev Item 
] until the extension
number shows on the display. Then repeat Step 3.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for all extensions that you want to change.
Select another procedure or exit programming mode.
Line Access Mode (#313)     