Lucent Technologies 4.1 Manuel D’Utilisation

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Each line or pool button has a green light and a red light. The meaning of these
lights varies, depending on whether the button is used to access an outside line
or pool, is programmed with a system feature, or is programmed for Auto Dialing
an extension number (intercom Auto Dial button). (Auto Dial buttons for fax
extensions show additional information; these “Fax Management” buttons are
described in Chapter 4. When a phone is in programming mode, the lights
show information about programmed settings; see Chapter 2 for details.)
Table 3-1 shows the meanings of the various light patterns for each possible
button assignment.
Table 3-1. Light Patterns for System Phones
Light Pattern
Line Button
Steady On
Line is in use.
Green means you
are using the line;
red means someone
at another extension
is using the line.
Line is idle (not
being used).
(steady off)
(long on, long off)
A call is ringing on
the line. Green flash
means a call is
ringing at your
extension. Red
flash means a call is
ringing on the line,
but not at your
Alternating Red/Green
(red on, green on, red
on, green on)
Alternating green
and red flash
appears at both
extensions in a
joined call, and at
any extension
connected in a
conference call.
Pool Button
Pool is in use.
Green means you
are using a line in
the pool; red means
all lines in the pool
are in use.
Green means
feature* is on
Pool has available
Feature* is off
A call is ringing in
the pool. Green
flash means a call is
ringing at your
extension. Red
flash means a call is
ringing in the pool,
but not at your
A user is
entering a four
digit code to
lock or unlock
his or her
Alternating green
and red flash
appears at both
extensions in a
joined call, and at
any extension
connected in a
conference call.
Intercom Auto
Dial/ Manual
Signaling Button
Red means the
programmed on
the button is busy
(making or
answering a call).
programmed on
the button is idle
(not being used).
Green flash means
someone at the
programmed on
the button is
calling you.
*   Applies to Automatic System Answer, Caller ID Name Display, Direct Extension Dial, Do Not Disturb, Night
Service, Outgoing Call Restriction Button, Privacy, Voice Interrupt On Busy Talk-Back, and VMS Cover, all of
which require programming on a button with lights. Can also apply to Account Code Entry, Background Music,
Call Coverage, and Call Forwarding/Call Follow-Me, if any of them are programmed on buttons with lights.
(For more information about programming these features, see Chapter 5.)
Learning About Telephones