Microsoft 10.1 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 200
5.4  Gamma Pattern Editing 
♦ Graph 
The graph area is a 256-dot x 256-dot white square area bordered by black lines, where the 
relationship between the input values of 0 to 255 (x axis) and output values of 0 to 255 (y 
axis) is indicated in blue lines.  Each graph dot represents one division (unit).  
♦ Gradation 
The input is displayed in black and white in 256 single-dot steps from 0 at the left border to 
255 at the right border.  The gamma function of the scanner is displayed.  After saving it, 
the displayed (gray scale) gamma function is fixed and constant.  The output values are 
displayed in single dots in relation to the input values and the brightness of the output 
equipment is displayed. To ensure accurate display, the display must be set for "True-
Color" or greater. 
♦ Gamma 
Calculation of the output values is based on the value γ
 entered in the edit box; the graph 
and the gradation are then displayed. The values that can be input are integers greater than 
0 or fractions.  
<<Formula>>    Output = (input ÷ 255)
x 255  (Input = 0 - 255) 
♦  Free Edit  
Designates whether to enable editing of the graph area directly using the mouse cursor.  
If this box is checked, the gamma pattern input edit box cannot be used and only editing 
using the mouse cursor is supported.  
♦ Smooth 
Designates whether to smooth edited curves.  This setting is only valid when Free Edit is 
selected. In this setting, the curved lines drawn by the mouse are automatically smoothed.  
This is reflected in the graph and gradation display. 
♦ Reverse 
Designates whether to reverse black and white.  When this box is checked, the current 
output values are converted to (255 - output values).