American Power Conversion DX Manuale Utente

Pagina di 96
NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
Humid Ctrl. 
Indicates the humidity control method. The System can control the humidity based on the 
relative humidity (RH) of the return air and the dew point (DewPt) of the return air.
•  Relative humidity (RH): The System activates humidification modes based on the difference 
between the humidify/dehumidify setpoint and the return humidity value.
•  Dew point (DewPt): The dew point method corrects for hotspots near the environmental sensors, 
and is calculated from the temperature and relative humidity of the room air. 
– The System activates humidification based on the dew point setpoint and the calculated dew 
point in the room.
– The dew point setpoint is calculated from the humidification setpoint and the reheat setpoint. 
If there is no reheat mode, then the cooling setpoint is used.
Example. If the reheat setpoint is 20°C (68°F) and the humidification setpoint is 50%, the 
dew point setpoint is 27°C (80°F).  If the room temperature is 23°C (74°F) and the return 
humidity is 40% the dew point of the room is 26°C (78°F).
The humidifier demand is calculated as the difference between the actual room dew point 
and the desired room dew point divided by the sensitivity.
In this example: Demand = (49 - 48) / 2 = 0.5 or 50% demand.  The humidifier output will 
be about 50%.
Note: The System will always use the dew point method when the remote sensor 
readings are used to control the room environment or if the System is part of a 
redundant Group.