Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred MNT-A189-W00-B/ENG Dépliant

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Faster than typing 
Most people speak more than 120 words per 
minute but type less than 40 words a minute. That 
means users can create documents and email 
messages more than three times faster using Dragon 
NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred. The software never 
makes a spelling mistake, and it actually gets smarter 
the more it’s used.
Easy to use – get started Right away
Dragon NaturallySpeaking installs quickly and requires 
no special script reading. New on-screen help and 
tutorials help users become experts in no time. Users 
can dictate letters and emails instantly! A comfortable, 
high-quality headset is included.
Bluetooth support
Use Dragon NaturallySpeaking with a Nuance-
approved Bluetooth wireless headset for great 
dictation results – without the wires.
avoid Repetitive strain injuries
By using voice to control the PC and create 
documents, users reduce their risk of developing 
repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel 
©2008, Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance, the 
Nuance logo, Dragon, the Dragon logo, DragonBar, NaturallySpeaking, 
and RealSpeak are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nuance 
Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other 
countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective 
DrAgoN VoiCE ShortCutS to PErform tASkS fAStEr  
Dragon Voice Shortcuts for Web Search make searching the Web 
faster and easier. A user says a command containing his desired search 
words, such as "Search the Web for financial management  
resources," or "Search maps for Italian restaurants in Burlington,  
Massachusetts," and Dragon 10 will use the default search engine and 
Web browser to enter his dictated term(s) in the search field and return 
the results. A user may also search specific sites or search the Web for a 
specific type of information using commands such as “Search  
Wikipedia for George Washington Carver,” or “Search eBay for Bluetooth 
headsets.” Sites supported by Dragon Voice Shortcuts include Google, 
Yahoo, eBay, Wikipedia, YouTube and more.
Dragon Voice Shortcuts for Desktop Search introduce commands to 
search the computer as directly as the Web, by dictating the word(s) to 
find documents, emails and Web browsing history. For example, a user 
can say, “Search computer for launch plans,” and Dragon will complete 
the search using Google Desktop or Windows Vista desktop search. In 
addition, commands such as, “Find an email about the Robinson report” 
directly open the top email containing the dictated keywords. Searching 
the computer has never been faster – or easier.
DiCtAtE iNto A hANDhElD rECorDEr for lAtEr trANSCriPtioN
Be productive on the go. Users can dictate into any Nuance-certified 
digital recorder when they’re away from the office for automatic transcrip-
tion when it is synched with a PC.
SyStEm rEquirEmENtS
• CPU: Intel
 / 1 GHz processor or equivalent AMD processor. Faster processors will yield  
 faster performance. Memory: 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM for Windows Vista™)
• Free hard disk space: 1 GB (2 GB for localized non-English versions)
• L2 Cache: 512 KB
• Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP SP2 or  
 higher - 32 bit, Windows 2000 SP4 or higher, Windows Vista™ or Windows Vista™ SP1, 32-bit
• DVD-ROM drive (required for installation)
• Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6 or higher (free download available at
• Nuance-approved noise-canceling headset microphone (included), Creative
Labs Sound Blaster
 16 or  
 equivalent sound card supporting 16-bit recording, speakers (required for playback of recorded speech  
 and text to speech features)
• For Bluetooth wireless microphone support, please visit
• A Web connection is required for activation
During the install process the software checks to make sure your system meets these minimum 
requirements. if you do not meet the requirements, the software will not be installed.
* this edition of Dragon does not support dictation directly into Electronic medical record (Emr)  
Systems. for Emr support, please use Dragon medical Edition.
recommended Specifications
• CPU: Intel
/ 2.4 GHz processor (1.6 GHz dual core processor) or equivalent AMD processor 
• Memory: 1 GB RAM 
• L2 Cache: 1 MB
dragon Naturallyspeaking 10 Preferred