Map&Guide Professional 2010, Europe, Add Lic D0016-0102-0400 Manuale Utente

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by adding other criteria (e.g. available 24h), or apply 
existing prioritisation criteria. That makes searching for 
service providers a quick, painless process.  
Corridor search 
The corridor search lets you add consignments or customer 
calls to a planned route. You simply search your stored 
address tables for addresses located within a user-defined 
corridor (within 10 km of the planned route, for example). 
These addresses are shown on the map and itinerary, and 
you can directly add them as stop-off points to the stop-off 
point list of the route.  
"We have been deploying map&guide for 
vehicle and trip scheduling in national and 
international freight transport for more than 10
years. Even after such a long time, it is still the 
leading truck navigation planner in the transport 
sector. In my opinion, there is currently no product on the
market that compares to it when it comes to meeting the 
requirements of modern HGV scheduling.” Thomas Risch, 
Logistics + IT Management, Scheerer L
gistik Gmb
r of the 
 be more efficient. This 
guarantees an optimum utilisation of our fleet." 
Dittmer, Scheduler a
any that 
attaches great importance to reliability and continuity."
 indispensable tool for 
the mineral oil industry." 
Erhard Schorfheide, 
anning on 
purchasing more licences on top of the existing 25 
Thomas Tank, Logistics Coordinator of Berendsen Group 
H & Co. 
"map&guide is an extremely important tool 
in daily practice for many of the 1,200 
transport companies in Lower Saxony that 
we represent." 
Gerhard Ibrügger, Directo
GVN transport trade association.
"We have been using map&guide 
professional for some time now and we
impressed with the simple operation
many functions. Precise address entry and 
display of the expected required time enable us to 
streamline the planning process and
t German Pellets GmbH 
"For years map&guide has been an 
indispensable tool for scheduling HGV
abroad. Our fleet consists of 40 tractor-
trailers and semi-trailers that are primarily deployed in 
Switzerland and its neighbouring countries. With over 70
employees, we are a typical medium-sized comp
Hanspeter Felix, Felix Transport AG, Arlesheim/Switzerland
"map&guide is an
Managing Director of Schorfheide Transport and Logistics
"In our 24 subsidiaries and depots in 
Germany and Austria we only use 
map&guide products for trip planning and optimisation, and 
so far are very satisfied, so that we are pl