Roland BR-900CD Manuale Utente

Pagina di 232
Putting Multiple Tracks Together (Bounce)
5. Press [REC].
The CD-R/RW drive’s motor begins spinning.
“Now Checking...” appears in the display.
The message disappears approximately ten seconds 
later, indicating that preparations for bouncing have 
been completed.
• In contrast to normal recording, you cannot press [REC] 
(manual punch in) after first pressing [PLAY].
• The moment [REC] is pressed, a region with a minimum 
of one song is created on the disc. Note that even if you 
press [STOP] at this point without bouncing any tracks, 
the song cannot be deleted.
6. Press [PLAY].
[PLAY] and [REC] light, and bouncing to the CD-R/RW 
disc begins.
The sounds are written to the CD-R/RW disc exactly as 
they are played back.
7. Press [STOP] when you reach the end of the song.
“Keep power on! Closing Track...” appears in the 
display. The message disappears, indicating that the 
bouncing have been completed.
Several seconds may be necessary before you can 
proceed with the next operation.
8. To check the results of the bouncing, play the disc back 
9. To enable playback of the bounced tracks on a 
Finalizing the CD-R/RW disc allows the content to be heard 
using a regular CD player but prevents any further bouncing 
or writing of tracks to the disc. Do not finalize the disc if you 
want to bounce or write other tracks to it.
Selecting the Input Source 
and Bouncing the Recording 
to a CD-R/RW
You can simultaneously select the input source sounds and 
record when bouncing directly to a CD, just as you can when 
bouncing tracks in the normal manner.
2. Press one of the INPUT SELECT buttons to select the 
input source you want.
The button for the selected input source lights up, and 
the sounds of the input source become audible.
3. Carry out Step 5 and the subsequent steps in 
The input source sound is mixed with the sounds played 
back from the tracks and bounced to the CD-R/RW disc.
You can also bounce only the input source sound to the CD 
by completely lowering track faders 1–6 and 7/8 and the 
RHYTHM faders.