Solid State Logic Soundscape Mixer Manuale Utente

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Soundscape Mixpander 
Page 90 of 109 
When AES/EBU-A 1-2, AES/EBU-A 3-4, AES/EBU-A 5-6 or AES/EBU-A 7-8 is selected, the SSL 
Soundscape hardware is slaved to the AES Clock signal received via the corresponding AES/EBU 
input pair of the XLogic Alpha-Link unit’s eight-channel AES/EBU connector A. 
These options are available when the SSL Soundscape Mixpander is connected to an XLogic 
Alpha-Link MADI AX or Alpha-Link AX. 
When ADAT A, ADAT B or ADAT C is selected, the SSL Soundscape hardware is slaved to the 
ADAT Clock signal received via the corresponding ADAT Toslink™ input connector of the XLogic 
Alpha-Link unit. 
When “WordClock” is selected the SSL Soundscape hardware is slaved to the WordClock signal 
received at the BNC WordClock input connector of the XLogic Alpha-Link. 
NOTE: For all variants of WordClock, the Sample Rate of the card is not automatically updated to 
match the incoming Sample Rate. Instead it remains set to the current value. It should therefore be 
updated manually. 
FrameClock 0°, FrameClock 90° 
When “FrameClock 0°” is selected the SSL Soundscape hardware locks to the "FrameClock" signal 
received via the XLogic Alpha Link’s WordClock input connector. “FrameClock 90°” must be 
selected to lock to the FrameClock signal supplied by certain devices whose Audio signals and 
clock signals are out of phase (typically for MADI or ADAT SMUX signals). 
NOTE:  The  “Internal”  setting  can  be  selected  for  instance  when  you  want  to  play  back  or  record 
signals  at  your  chosen  sample  rate,  when  you  are  using  the  card  as  the  “Master  Device”  in  a 
multiple unit setup (or as a master with other equipment, e.g., another Alpha‐Link unit or a digital 
mixing console) or when you do not want to use the Master Clock from an external source. 
NOTE: For all external Master Clock settings (i.e., when the SSL Soundscape hardware operates as 
a  Master  Clock  slave  locked  to  a  signal  received  via  one  of  the  XLogic  Alpha‐Link  inputs),  if  no 
suitable Master Clock signal is received via the relevant input, the Status Bar will indicate a “Clock 
lock error”, as described in the “Status Bar” chapter. In this case, check that the external device is 
correctly set to transmit an appropriate signal.