Sony PRS-650BC Manuale

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How to Get eBooks
How to Get eBooks
To purchase and transfer eBooks to your Reader, please 
carry out the following initial steps.
1  Install Reader™ Library software.
2  Create an account at your Reader Store or your 
eBook store.
3  Purchase and download eBooks.
4  Authorize your computer and Reader.
5  Select and transfer purchased eBooks to your Reader.
After the initial steps, you only need steps  and 5 to enjoy 
more eBooks. Reader comes with step-by-step instructions 
describing the above initial steps. Here is how to access the 
PC: From the “Start” menu, click “My Computer” 
(“Computer” in the case of Windows Vista, Windows 7) 
and then double-click the “READER” drive. Drag the “How 
to get eBooks on Reader” file and drop it on the desktop.
Mac: Double-click “READER” on the desktop, and drag 
the “How to get eBooks on Reader” file and drop it on 
the desktop.
Double-click the file to open it and follow the step-by-step 